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I really like this ship. It might be kinda hard to write about it because I want it to be perfect, but i'll try my best. This is a stand alone story. I guess all my other stories are stand alone, so nevermind.

It was a relatively normal day, when Glory walked outside from her tree house and nearly tripped over the bright, colorful egg lying at her doorstep.

She picked it up and looked at it. It was clearly a pure Rainwing egg. Where did it come from? She wondered. Who's is this? Why is it here?

She started to bring it inside, but paused, remembering Deathbringer, who was snoring inside. What if he thinks it's mine?

She decided to bring it to the hatchery. Once she was there she wondered if the dragonet would wonder who its parents were.

Suddenly, Deathbringer burst through the entrance to the hatchery.

"My Queen! You shouldn't leave me! You shoul-" He paused, seeing the egg. "Y-You... Is that your'e egg?" He suddenly rushed out the door and flew away.

"Wait! Deathbringer wait!!" She set down the egg and flew after him."It isn't my egg!!" She lost him after a little while.

She spent the entire day worrying about him. She decided to go searching for him after dinner.

She finally found him at the top of the tallest tree in the Rainforest, looking at the stars.

I just realized this one takes place while looking at the stars also. I wonder why that is? Maybe I just like stars.

Glory landed beside him. He jumped, startled.

"What are you doing here? You obviously don't care too much about me." He said, and the harsh words pierced Glory's heart like a knife.

"You don't understand! I just found it on the doorstep! I still care about you!" She replied.

"Oh." Was all he said. They sat in silence until Deathbringer said to her, "I'm so sorry."

"NO! I'm so sorry! I should have thought you might think it was my egg, and shown it to you before taking it to the hatchery."

Deathbringer hushed her, and pulled her in for a hug. "I love you, Glory." He whispered.

"I love you more, Deathbringer."

"No, I love you more!"

"No, I love you more!"

"No, I love you more!"

And that was how it went for the entire night, until they both fell asleep against each other.

Hi guys! How did you like it? Please let me know in the comments. I might skip Sunnyflight/Starspeaker because I don't know myself how I stand in it. If you guys want it just let me know! I am sorry to any WinterWatcher shippers, but I ship Moonbli. Please don't hold who I ship against me and just enjoy the book!

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