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I think this ship is good. They are perfect for each other and I don't ship them with anyone else. I guess it is just not one of my favorite ships. I like it, I just don't go all fanboy on it (That is reserved for Turtlejou).

Tsunami was rushing through the halls of the school, trying to get outside before the Talons of Peace got here. 

Why didn't I go out sooner?! Tsunami Scolded herself, even though she knew perfectly well why she was late.

She had spent the last hour reading and re-reading the letter Riptide had sent.

It went like this:

Dear Tsunami,

I will be coming over with the Talons of Peace tomorrow, to meet with you as requested. Meet us in the main entrance hall where assemblies are called in.

Sincerely, Riptide

That was what was bothering her. There was no romance at all! It was plain and boring! 

Technically, him and I aren't dating, so he might not have wanted to be weird. Tsunami tried to calm herself. 

But he at least could have tried! It wasn't working.

Finally, she burst through the cave entrance, she saw a group of dragons of all different colors.

And there he was! Tsunami's heart skipped a beat, defying her want to stay serious in front of Riptide.

She suddenly felt very embarrassed, with all the Talons of Peace members and the rest of the Dragonets of Destiny plus Peril.

"Umm, hi." She said, embarrassed. Why is everyone looking at me? She couldn't bring herself to make eye contact with Riptide, and when the meeting was over and he flew off, she thought he looked disappointed and sad.

Later that night, she was thinking, Should I go after him? Tell him I'm sorry, and ask about the letter? She decided that it was the best plan of action, and flew into the darkness.

As she landed on the island that Riptide used as his home, she saw him sitting on the sand, and looking at the stars. She tapped him on the shoulder and he whirled around. As she saw his surprised face, Tsunami was inexplicably angry.

"How dare you be so business-like in your letter! Do you even care about me?!" She yelled at him.

"I wasn't sure how you would react! Plus you didn't even look at me during the meeting!" He shouted back at her.

"I'm sorry, but I felt embarrassed!" Tsunami yelled.

His gaze softened, as he put a wing around her. "How about we just forgive each other, and promise to do better next time?" He offered.

"Deal!" Tsunami agreed.

They hugged and sat down to watch the stars together. A little while later, Riptide leaned over and whispered to Tsunami, "I love you".

"I love you too" Tsunami whispered back.

So how was it? Let me know in the comments, okay? I just wanted to thank you guys too.

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