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As per request, sunnyflight is here!!! I shipped this so hard in the first five books, but kinda stopped after the fifth, seeing as sunny doesn't really want to be in a relationship. I don't really care tho, cause i still like both sunnyflight and starspeaker. oh btw, this one was requested by @HelloWorld090403, who has some really great books.

Starflight, like always, was sitting in the library. He didn't mind the library as much as he minded not being able to see anything. He overheard other dragons talking about all the cool things they had seen and done that day, and felt sad because he knew he couldn't ever do that again. He knew he was luckier than some dragons, like Tamarin, who had been blind their whole life, as he was able to see once, but that didn't make him any less sad. 

He heard the sounds of approching talonsteps, and paused, trying to identify them. One was very light and sounded as if the dragon was bouncing up and down Kinkajou, he decided, but the other one was heavier, and sounded as if they were stomping. I wonder who that is? He thought, but then Kinkajou answered it for him.

"And then-Clay! Are you even listening to me?" Ah, it's Clay, Starflight thought. He continued to listen to their conversation. "Okay, as i was saying, the word on the street is that Sunny broke up with Meerkat! Apparently they decided that their relationship wasn't right for them. Isn't tha-"

"Are you guys seariously talking about me behind my back?" A warm, amused voice asked. Starflight's head shot up. It was Sunny! He knew that she didn't love him, but he still couldn't get over his crush on her. Maybe it's not something to get over. A small, traitorous voice in his head said. NO! She doesn't like me back. I need to stop thinking about her.

"OMIGOSH!" He heard Kinkajou scream, "She found us Clay! Run!" Then it seemed that they had run out of the library, leaving him and Sunny.

"Hey, Starflight?" He heard Sunny ask. "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure you can." Starflight said, hesitant.

"I'm sure you have heard about me and Meerkat breaking up, " She started, clearly nervous, "And I wanted to say that I think we broke up because, well... because I'm in love with you." Time seemed to stop for a second, as Starflight tensed. Sunny continued, "I'm not sure if you are in love with me anymore, but if you are, would you like to go out with me tomorrow?"

Starflight pondered this for a second. He did like Sunny, and he never had stopped, but what if this was just a re-bound relationship, and Sunny would drop him like a hot potato once Meerkat came around. No, she wouldn't do that to me.  Starflight thought. Still, he had to be sure.

"Sunny, are you sure?" He asked, waiting for the 'no' that was bound to come.

"......Yes, Starflight, I'm sure." He smiled, and grabbed her talon.

"Then I would love to go out with you."

The end!!!!! I am not sure if this is good. but i would be annoyed if the author pitied himself every page, so i am going to stop saying that! Anyway, Thanks to @HelloWorld090403 for requesting this and commenting on my stories!

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