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This one was requested by  DragonGoddessGirl. so, yeah. I don't really know what to do here. This is when they arrive at the lost continent and is in Sundew's view.

Sundew looked around above the crowd of dragons. Sundew and the other Leafwings and Silkwings had just landed on the lost continent. Sundew was overwhelmed by the amount of noise of the strange Pyhrian dragons meeting the Pantalan ones.

Sundew was looking for one particular dragon, but everywhere she looked she saw others. She saw Cricket excidetly talking to an all black dragon with silver teardrop scales and a pale yellow dragon with an earring. Sundew shook her head as she heard a tsunami of questions spilling from Cricket.

Sundew turned her head and saw Mandrake and Hazel trying to organize the Leafwings and Silkwings, but miserably failing.

Sundew felt her pouches, uncomfortable with their lightness. She wondered if Pyhria had any plants like the ones in the Poison Jungle. She wondered if they would mind if she used her leafspeak to grow some poisonous plants to use. Nah, better not. Sundew thought to herself, it would probably be a bad impression if she started growing sandbox trees the moment she landed.

She dragged her gaze across the crowd once more, looking for the dragon who made her feel unstoppable. She saw pale green scales out of the corner of her eye, and saw Willow standing under a palm tree, staring at it in wonder.

Sundew flew over to her and pressed herself into the warm scales. Willow looked over to her and her eyes filled with relief.

"Isn't this so cool?" Willow asked in an excited voice, "A real tree! That isn't trying to kill us!"

Sundew smiled at Willow's happiness,

"Yes it's amazing, just like you."

Willow's face softened and she twined her tail with Sundew's. Sundew felt all the stress and worry she had been holding inside dissipate. All that mattered was that she was here, with her favorite dragon in the world.

She laid down and Willow curled herself beside her, scales pressing into each other.

"Wow, you're really tired aren't you?" Willow asked. Sundew nodded her eyes closed.

"Well just sleep okay?" Willow told her. Sundew gratefully rested her head on Willow's back and fell asleep.

The end! I hope you liked it! I hadn't been posting in a long time, so i wanted to get something out. I think the next oneshot is going to be Blicket, unless somebody requests something. Bye!

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