Turtlejou #1

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I labeled this Turtlejou #1 because I might do another one. I am probably doing Sunnyflight after this, and may do both Moonbli and winterwatcher, or neither of them. IDK. I hope you enjoy it! I was up until 11 drafting it.

Turtle was walking through the halls of JMA with a massive pile of scrolls in his arms. If I can just make it a few more minutes without disaster, I can return these scrolls to Starflight. Right as he rounded a corner thought, he saw a flash of bright yellow and pink, as another dragon crashed into him.

"Oh, hi Kinkajou!" Turtle said thinking, Oh my god she's so pretty, does she like me back? I hope she does. Wait that would just be the aftermath of the spell. Aw man, this would be so much easier if I wasn't so in love with her.

"OMIGOSH! HI TURTLE! I was just looking for you! Do you want to come swimming with me?!" Kinkajou asked.

"Sure! Let me just return these scrolls." Turtle replied, while thinking, An afternoon of just me and Kinkajou! It is like a dream come true!

Kinkajou went with Turtle to return the scrolls, talking all the way:

"Didja know that both Moon and Qibli AND Anemone and Tamarin are dating? Two out of three of my OTPs!"

"Really? Who is you third OTP?" Turtle asked.

"errr" Kinkajou said, flustered, Should I tell him it is him and me? What if he doesn't like me? I'll just make something up. "uhhh...Cleril! Yes Cleril!" They continued to the lake in silence until, of course, Kinkajou yelled, "Last one there is a rotten pineapple!" and started running.

"Wait, what?" Turtle said, sprinting to catch up. Once they got there, Turtle immediately dove into the lake with a splash, while Kinkajou waited until he resurfaced to jump in, effectively dousing him.

"OH! It is SO on!" Turtle said, spluttering as Kinkajou giggled. At least, giggled until Turtle sent a wave over her with his tail.

"Hey?! What was that for?!" Kinkajou asked.

"You splash me, I splash you!" Turtle responded. And with that their splash war commenced, ending with no victor, but a lot of fun.

They got out around evening, both very tired. Kinkajou walked over to a small mossy corner, barely big enough for two dragons, and laid down. She patted the ground next to her, and Turtle obediently walked over and laid down next to her, his wing covering hers.

"Hey Turtle?" Kinkajou said, "I have something I need to tell you."

Turtle looked at her, hoping it was what he thought it was.

"The thing I need to tell you is," Kinkajou whispered (A very un-Kinkajou like thing to do), "I love you"

Turtle just stared at her, happiness and love clouding his thoughts, "I-I love you too, Kinkajou"

And with that they fell asleep, side-by-side, tails twined, wings covering each other, to be awakened by Moon squealing with happiness about her favorite ship, and yelling at Qibli and Winter to come look.

The end!! How did you like it? I was just laying in my bed when this came to me. I jotted it down quick before I forgot it. I just love Turtlejou so much (check out my username!) so this was hard to write because I wanted it to be perfect, yet easy to write because I love the ship.

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