Wedding dress-
Your ring-
His reaction when you walk down the aisle-
- You were nervous
- Abby was helping you to calm down
- You were shaking
- you looked so beautiful though
- Tony was nervous too
- "boss what if she runs away?"
- "shut your mouth DiNozzio. You guys are perfect for each other"
- Ducky was your best man
- You asked Tony if he could stop calling McGee "Probie" for one night
- Tony kissed you before the dude said "I now pronounce you husband and wife"
- Ducky told Tony he'd better take care of you
- Tony held your hand for the entire night
- Your song that you first danced to was "Island in the sun" by Weezer
Heh thank you!
NCIS preferences
Fanfictiondoing: Gibbs Tony Timothy McGee Jimmy Palmer Ziva David Abby (cover is mine)