You're pregnant

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Gibbs- You woke up feeling like crap. Gibbs suggested you stay home (well it wasn't a suggestion, he literally told you to stay home). You were throwing up quite a bit. You remembered how many days late you were and you gasped. You rushed to buy a pregnancy test and it came back positive.
You sighed and waited for Gibbs to get back home
"You're home" you mumbled and grinned weakly
"How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine. I have to talk to you about something"
You both sat on the couch and rested your head on his chest
"Gibbs.. I'm pregnant"
He was silent for a minute then he grinned
"We're going to be great parents" he hugged you

Tony- Tony stayed with you instead, and you called in sick. You guys had been wanting a child, so you bought a test and it came back positive
"Oh my gosh Tony!" You yelled
"W-wh-what?" He said, poking his head through the door
"We're going to be parents"

McGee- You were okay until you guys went home and you weren't feeling too good. You thought it was a stomach bug and decided to shrug it off. The next morning it was worse. You told McGee to go to work and you would stay home. You took a test and you gasped. Finally McGee came home and you smiled.
"Welcome home honey"
He kissed the top of your forehead and gave you a hug
"Tim... I have something to tell you"
Tim frowned "Yes (Y/N)?"
"I'm pregnant"
"R- really?" His face lit up
You giggled and nodded

Jimmy- You weren't feeling too good. You took a day off and Jimmy went to work. Sighing, you went to buy a pregnancy test and it came back positive. You decided to surprise Jimmy
"(Y/N) hon I'm home!"
You gave him a hug
"C'mon Jimmy I have something you tell you"
You guys sat on the couch and you wrapped your arms around him
"Jimmy I'm pregnant"
His eyes went wide
"Oh my gosh! (Y/N) we're going to be parents!"

Lol sorry this isn't as good, I'm tired but thanks for reading :)

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