Chapter 6

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We all sat around the table, enjoying our dinner, when Max spoke up.

"Hey, mom?"

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Can you tell us more of the story now?"

I smiled. "Sure... It was the night of the big party and Wendy and I were beyond excited..."

Fourteen years ago...

I pulled my car to a stop behind Wendy's and we both got out, looking over the line of cars in front of Maxine's house.

Wendy glanced back at me. "I didn't think she was gonna invite the whole school."

I lowered my head a little. "Yeah, I guess we aren't as special as I thought."

She walked over, resting a hand on my shoulder. "C'mon, she invited you personally, right? That's gotta count for something."

   I smiled lightly. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

   She patted my shoulder. "I know, now c'mon, we don't wanna miss out on the fun."

   I laughed lightly as I followed her to the front door.

We knocked and the door flew open, Maxine's smiling face greeting us. "There you are, c'mon in." She said, taking my hand and leading me inside.

As soon as I walked in, I realized I was horribly over-dressed. I pulled my jacket tighter around myself as I looked around at all the familiar students.

"Here, I can take your jacket." Maxine said.

I reluctantly took it off and handed it to her. "Thanks."

She smiled. "No problem. Killer dress by the way."

"Oh, uh, thanks. It's my moms." I replied.

She chuckled a little. "Well, it looks great." Then, she wandered off.

"'It's my moms?'" Wendy questioned.

   "Whatever. I need a drink." I replied, making my way towards the kitchen.

   I grabbed a beer from the cooler and leaned against the counter, watching the sea of students dancing in the living room.

   "Hey, thanks for coming." Maxine said as she walked up next to me.

   "Oh, no problem. Thanks for inviting me." I replied.

   She nodded. "Well, I better go make my rounds. I just wanted to let you know that I'm happy you're here."

   I felt my cheeks heat up. "Thanks... uh, I'm happy you're here to."

   She giggled. "Well, it is my house."

   I shook my head. "Yeah, I know, I mean-"

   She put her hand up, a humorous smile on her face. "I'm just pulling your leg. Relax and have fun. I'll come find you later."

   Then, she was off, making her way into the sea of students.

   Wendy slid up next to me after she was gone. "What'd she say?"

   I looked down, attempting to hide my growing blush. "That she's happy I'm here and will come find me later."

   "Ooh, this could be the night." Wendy said.

   I smiled a little. "Maybe... You really think she might like me?"

   "She'd have to be blind not to. C'mon, Skylar, you don't give yourself enough credit. You're beautiful, funny, and pretty damn cool if I do say so myself."

   I chuckled, pulling Wendy into a one armed hug. "Thanks, you're the best."

   She patted my shoulder. "I know." Then, she looked out over the crowd. "I could throw a better party than this though."

   I laughed. "Hey, whatever helps you sleep at night."

   She rolled her eyes and smiled. "Don't make me take back my generous compliments."

   I shook my head. "To late, you already gave them out."

   She chuckled before grabbing a beer. "Well, I'm gonna go mingle. You stay outta trouble, you hear?"

   I just nodded before watching her walk off as well.

   As the night wore on, I found myself alone. Desperately awaiting Maxine's presence. I honestly felt tonight could be my chance to ask her out and the drunker I got, the truer that statement seemed.

   I sat in the living room, listening to a very drunk classmate attempt to make a move on me, when Wendy came rushing over.

   "Skylar, there you are, I've been looking all over for you." She said hurriedly.

   I stood, leading Wendy into the kitchen. "Why? What's up?"

   She smiled. "Maxine's looking for you. She sent me to come find you."

   "Really, what does she want?" I asked, almost a little to excitedly for my taste.

   She just shrugged. "I don't know but, she wants you. Don't keep her waiting."

   I smoothed out the front of my dress. "Ok, you're right. I can do this. I mean, she asked for me specifically."

   "Damn right she did, now c'mon, go make your move, girl."

   I smiled as Wendy led me through the crowd towards a back room.

   My heart rate sped up the closer we got to her. Then, the sea of students gave way and I saw her... sitting on the floor, lips locked tightly with another girls...

   I froze, my heart sinking.

   Wendy rested a hand on my shoulder. "Skylar..."

   I just shook my head before turning on my heel and walking off.

   Wendy caught up with me as I was putting my jacket on. "Skylar, wait."

   I rubbed my forehead, attempting to hold back the tears. "Sorry, Wendy. But, I think I'm just gonna head out."

   She lowered her head. "Are you gonna be ok?"

   I nodded. "Yeah, I just need some sleep."

   She pulled me into a tight hug. "Ok..."

   I gave her shoulder a squeeze before making a beeline for the front door.

   "Stupid. I mean come on, did you really think a girl like that would go for you?" I asked myself as I marched back to my car.

   Once I was inside, a couple tears escaped, rolling down my cheeks.

   I looked at myself in the rear view mirror. "That's what you get for getting your hopes up."

   Then, I started the car and drove off into the night...

   Rebecca gave my arm a gentle squeeze. "That blows. How could she do that to you?"

   I shrugged, rubbing her hand with my thumb. "It doesn't matter. That was a long time ago."

   Max and Anna pulled me into quick hugs.

   I smiled down at them. "Thanks, kiddos. But, it's time for bed."

   They nodded and Rebecca led them to their room before joining me in ours.

   "Hey, how're you feeling?" She asked as she laid down next to me.

   "I'm ok... Just tired."

   "You sure?"

   I nodded, flashing her a quick smile. "Yeah. Now get over her, I have work in the morning."

   She giggled as she snuggled up closer to me, resting her head on my chest. "Goodnight. I love you."

   "Love you to. Goodnight." I replied, closing my eyes...

Skylar Valentine (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now