can I trust you?

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What's up, I'm not gonna say anything lets just get started boiiis
You and peter were an iconic duo, him peter being the sweet, gentle, and smart one. You being the sarcastic, clever, and rebellious one. It hadn't always been like this, you used to be open about everything, loving peter with all your heart, and protecting him like the big sister you are. Until your parents died, then everything flipped flopped, Peter was in ruins but you were quiet, you and peter started living with may and everything moved in slow motion, up to about 7 you tried to talk about your feelings but you just gave up and blocked off all emotion, growing closer to peter. And now your here, 15 and thriving with Uncle Ben and Aunt May, and of course Peter.

" hey petey?" You whispered so Aunt May couldn't hear you. "Y/n its 1 in the morning what do you want?" Peter said slowly. "Wanna watch star wars?" At this peters eyes widened just a bit " I'll get the snacks you get the remote." He whispered,You tip toed to the kitchen and felt for the light switch, after finding it you turned it on and scurried near the cabinets, stubbing your toe in the process " Mother fu-" you were cut off by peters hand to your mouth, " quiet I think I heard something." Your heart was racing with anticipation " you turned the lights off quickly and hid behind the door frame. After a few minutes you whispered " I think were good" you felt for the light switch and turned it on, not moving from your position, you and peter got to the fridge and opened it slowly, after grabbing a hand full of snacks you slowly shut the door, but when you looked to your left you saw a sleepy Ben staring at you. " dont move, he can't see us if we dont move" you told a wide eyed peter.
"peter and y/n parker, you have a field trip at school tomorrow if you do not go to bed I will have to personal murder you" you then dropped all the snacks and sprinted to your room, leaving a dumb founded Ben and peter.
"watch over her peter, and please go to bed" Ben said annoyed
"will do, love you Ben, night"
"PETER Y/N WAKE UP TIME FOR BREAKFAST" May yelled from kitchen "ughhhhhhh Pete wake uppppppp." You said shaking the bottom bunk of your shared bunk bed
"already up Y/n" peter said pulling his shirt on
"trust fall!" You said falling at the opening of our bunk bed
" Y/n wait!" Peter said frantically rushing over to you falling gracefully to the floor, Peter jumped to the floor,his glasses falling off in the process, you two layed there for a minute, then peter finally spoke up
" Y/n, are you okay?"
"of course im invincible" those simple words seemed to smooth peters stress
You and peter hopped on the bus, Peter sitting next to ned and you sitting to MJ (i'm putting her in early for the sake of the reader having a friend) "you guys ready to go on our wonderful school field trip" you said sarcastically MJ and you talked the rest of the way to Orscop until finally you arrived " lets go guys hurry up!!!" Peter said excited like the nerd he is.
"Your such a nerd" MJ deadpanned.
After what felt like hours of wandering around we finally came to the spider section, your favorite section, you looked closely at the deadly creatures. Peter was off on his own, looking at what appeared to be an empty case, Peter turned to look at you with a tint of fear on his face,
"what's wrong, spiders freaking you out?" You said sneering as he calmed at your joking tone, the rest of the trip went by fast, since it was a Friday everything was going by fast, until Flash showed up, Peter and MJ were already getting back onto the bus to leave, and Ned was getting water, so you had to face him alone "hey Babycakes" he said, smirking seductively at you, you gave him a dirty look then tried to walk away.
Flash decided today he was going to get on your nerves.
"Oh come on don't be such a party pooper!"
"Go away you irrelevant twat" you said pushing him off of you, you were almost to the bus when one of his friends stopped you and 'tripped' right into you, shoving you right to the floor.
"Whoops sorry" he snickered and walked off. You groaned angrily before getting up and wiping off the dust that had a ruffed onto you.
You walked to where Peter was and decided to sit by him instead "hey pete, can I sit by you?" You said your e/c eyes staring into his soul, "of course" he said smiling, you sat beside him and held his hand, while leaning your head on his shoulder
" hey Y/n?" Peter said, leaning his head on yours,
"I can tell you anything right?" You simply shook your head in response, peter then lifted his sleeve to show a huge red mark where two dots had grown. Your eyes widened in surprise
"omg what happened?!?!" You whispered frantically,
"it was a spider, I don't know man, it just kinda stings" peter whispered. Well this is just great.
after basically freaking out on a bus, you and peter told Ned and MJ bye and frantically ran into the house, looking to see if May had ended her shift yet, after it being clear she hadn't yet, you told peter to go and lay down in bed while you got ice, you got a bag of ice and gently put it on peters hand, rubbing circles in his forearm while telling him to breath deeply, it was more for you since peter was having no trouble breathing. May had to work a night shift, and Ben was going on a trip for work, so it was just you and peter for now "you feeling better petey?" You said trying to sound calm, "doin fine y/n/n"
You and peter ended up staying up all night, watching harry potter, eating popcorn and drinking soda, until morning came, then every thing went downhill...
That's all for now comment for another chapter love you 3000😘 all characters are owned by marvel except for the reader, unless your owned by marvel.

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