Jumbled Brain

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Hey y'all. How y'all doin. Uhm my birthday was last week! Also I didn't proof read this. Ok that's all. Enjoy!


After Tony convincing doctors that he had a medical staff at the tower they signed out. The car ride was awkward, well for Tony it was, the Twins caught up on what happened since they last saw each other.
"So my eye is like Hella cool am I right?" You said to Peter, Tony wanted to tell you to stop cussing but he was a bit scared of you murdering him. Your fearlessness can do that to people, you've beat up flash on numerous occasions for looking at Peter wrong.
"Yeah, can you see out of it?" Peter asked you
"What do you think dipshit?"
"No?" Peter questioned. You shook your head and looked out the window, you watched lights flash by Manhattan. It began to lightly rain, the small water droplets slid down your window. Then You were back in your room, you saw yourself on the floor with burn marks littering your body. You looked right next to your limp body and saw Peter sobbing next to you, what is happening? You thought to yourself as you saw Peter holding your hand then May came in and screamed. She stood still and started screaming your name.
"Y/N!!!" Her voice started melting into Peters voice
"Come on Y/n!" Everything started to blur together you closed your eyes tight hoping that the confusion would stop. You heard Peters voice get stronger and stronger.
"Y/n are you okay?!?" You started blinking repeatedly trying to wipe what you just saw from your brain. You fully opened your eyes to see Peter with his hand on you shoulder, he had the same look on his face when you lied there on the floor of your bedroom.
"Y/n?" Someone else asked, you looked to your left to see Tony squatting next to you, the door was wide open and you saw cars zoom by.
"Um yeah I'm okay, what happened?"
"We're not sure, you just started zoning out and mumbling things" You could tell Peter was frightened. In his eyes he thought you were having a seizure. As soon as it happened he had told Mr. Stark to stop the car, which Tony did. They both kept calling your name but you just stared at the back of Tony's seat.
"Can we just go to the tower?" You said slowly opening and closing your eyes to dismiss your blurry vision. Peter was looking at you the entire way back, whether it was glances or long stares, he was trying to make sure your okay. You've been through so much and he knows you will refuse to talk about it, from your parents, to Ben, now may, then to top it off you got struck by lightning. They finally pulled into the drive way of the tower, Peter got out first and then Mr. Stark got out, you on the other hand sat in the back holding your head tightly because you have the worst headache of all time. Peter went to go into the building before he realized you hadn't gotten out yet, he quickly turned around and went to your door. He had thought maybe you fell asleep but that idea was put to quiet when he opened the door and heard a soft whimper of pain.
"Y/n?!" Peter said squatting down to your level he carefully put his hand on your shoulder.
"Hey Hey, what's wrong." He said looking at you with worried eyes.
"Mr. Stark! Help me out over here!" Hearing this tony quickly turned around and went to the limo. You then let out a cry of pain, as you squeezed your eyes shut, Peters grip hardens when you cry out.
"what's wrong with her?!" Tony said worried. He doesn't know you very well but if Peter loves you that's all that matters. Suddenly you went limp in Peters grip.

~~~~~~~~Y/NS POV~~~~~~~~~                    
  There's voices fading in and out. Its sounds like I'm under water. There's a soft material underneath me, its like I'm laying on a cloud. Everything feels so soft and easy like I'm in heaven. Someone is calling my name slowly.
"Y/n please wake up Peter can't function without you."
The voice was gruff and scratchy. Slowly I lifted my heavy eyelids.
The gruff voice belonged to the one and only Tony Stark who had been sitting in Peters seat because he was getting some much needed food into his system. I attempted to speak but my throat was to dry to say anything, Tony must have noticed because he handed me a glass of water. After taking slow sips I sat up with ease.
"What happened?"
I questioned in a raspy voice.
"You passed out and slept for 5 days."
The billionaire hesitantly said, my eyes widened and my mind flashed to Peter, all the sudden I sensed that he was near, then just like magic Peter walked in and dropped his tray of food making everything splat on the floor.
"Y/n!! Your awake?!?"
Peter immediately trapped me in a tight hug.
"C-can't breath"
I wheezed out. Peter let go of me as I dramatically gasped for breath.
"No chick flick moments"
I said to him. His face lit up slightly
"No chick flick moments."
he said agreeing. All the sudden I notice a certain glum Iron Man.
"What's wrong tin can?"
"First off don't call me that. Second. I have some bad news."
My face fell at the mention of bad news, especially since I'm the one in the hospital bed.
"What is it?"
I ask scared for the answer, I steal a glance at Peter and he looks terrified.
"Y/n. Somethings wrong with your mind. Its developing other peoples memories."


Long time no see! I literally have no excuse for not writing. Anyway have a great day my lovelys💋 Love you 3000
Every character in this story is owned by Marvel except for you, unless your like. idk . I need to get better at this part of the job.

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