The Strike

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Sorry this took so long.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You and peter ended up having a sleep over on the bottom bunk. Peter passed out after Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, You couldn't sleep so you decided to watch reruns of Friends. After you finally start to get tired, you hear a strange sound outside,you glance to your window and it looks as if there's a storm brewing, peter starts to stir around in bed, you were always interested in weather, from playing in the rain to watching thunder storms in awe. Peter on the other hand hated storms, he used to cry everytime he heard thunder he'd freak out and cling to you. You quickly get out of bed and go to your window, looking at the lighting twisting to earth, you were careful not to get near all the dangerous chemicals peter brought home to try for the webs, you carefully went out to the rafters of the apartment downstairs, closing your eyes and listening to the rumbles of the thunder.
"my wawermewin" peter mumbled, you couldn't help but laugh, you looked to see peter sit up on his bed, hair in a mangled mess. "Hey Pete, wanna watch the storm with me?"
" STORM?!?!?" Peter shrieked pulling the covers over him like a scared child.
"Come on it's not gonna hurt y-" you were cut off by a huge boom radiating throughout your bedroom.
The pain was inexplicable, it felt like you were inside the core of the earth, burning hot fire coursing through your vanes, you could see light blaring through your eyes, like you had looked into a flash light too long, your ears felt as if fireworks had gone off in your head. Every thing was in excruciating pain, you heard high pitched noises screaming at you.
or where you screaming? Nothing felt right, its like your body wasn't there yet it most defiantly was because you could feel all the pain. After what felt like hours of pain you started feeling the darkness consuming you, black dots dancing around in your vision.
"Come on it's not gonna hurt y-" y/n was cut off by a giant boom of thunder and light flowing into the room, electricity circling through the lights, blinding me, the boom was even louder, I'm sure I went deaf until my vision and hearing started to clear up I could see y/n laying on her back, a huge wound spiraling to her stomach and face.
"No no no no no no, y-you cant die not you not you too please" I cried,  she cant die. I quickly called an ambulance, begging for there presence, after giving them the address y/n started screaming, eyes wide with fear, tears dripping into her ears, mixing with her bloody eardrums making a bright pink mixture. At this point I was sobbing, words seemed useless. I felt like nothing even matters, I didn't feel real. The paramedics arrived pushing me away and putting her body on the stretcher. That's when everything went fuzzy, tears we're clouding my vision, they were taking her away, but I was frozen in place. "Do you have somebody we can call?" A large man with black hair and a ruffled mustache said. " my um m-my aunt may." I said, digging out my phone and telling them the number. " you go ahead son, get in the ambulance I'll call her and get a ride with the police" the man said,who I was just now realizing was a paramedic. Instead of answering I ran to find were they had taken my sister. I went down to the lobby to find almost half the apartment building looking at my sister like a caged animal. "Get out of the way thats my sister!" I begged pushing my way through them and out the double glass doors. Then I saw her inside the ambulance that was about to leave "WAIT" I yelled " thats my sister let me go with her" " listen kid-" ''im not gonna stay here." I cut him of who does this guy think he is, thats my sister! I wondered in my head "fine hop in then" I did just that, trying not to look at my twin, her eyes were closed, her shirt was torn with black laying upon it, her shoes had black holes in the bottom, her ears were bleeding still. It all felt like too much, first uncle ben then me getting powers now she was struck by lighting. I managed to catch another glace at her, then I saw how there was glass on her, but the window was closed right? Then I realized. It was my science chemicals!
"Ma'am just f-for your information m-my sister m-m-might have f-fallen into s-some dangerous chemicals-s" I stuttered out "ok hun, we can see about it when we get there." The nice lady said. I was relieved at how calm she was. Maybe its not that bad. I tilted my head to the side, wait that's not me doing that what the. My mind was cut off black black everywhere. Then nothing.
Peter woke up in a small hospital bed, immediately remembering the events of last night. Or a few hours ago. Or days ago. He really wasn't sure. He got up and walked down stairs to the man at the front desk
"hello sir, can you tell me which room Y/n Parker is?" Peter said quickly. " let's see. 1183" peter said a quick thank you and rushed to find the number first exploring the first floor then the second then finally finding it at the third, yet when peter got there a man with the name tag John. D. Blocked his entrance, The man was bald with a blonde mustache.  
"What is your name?" The man grumbled
"Peter. Peter Parker." He blurted out
"very well Peter, your family member is in surgery at the moment." John stated, Peter then nodded and took a seat at a small chair. Peter then began to wonder where Aunt May was. Just then May walked in with a cup of hot coffee. "Peter!" May said surprised, she then hugged her nephew.
"May what's going on is y/n gonna be ok?" At this Mays smile lowered
"there not sure, she'll be out of surgery soon though" May said. Then they waited
After about an hour of waiting they both had drifted to sleep. Mays head on Peters shoulder, the now cold coffee in a cup on the floor between them. The door opened and Peter flinched awake, he'd been flinching since Uncle Ben's death, a doctor walked out, then closed the door behind him.
"Y/n has fallen into a coma." After that Peter didnt listen anymore, just zoned out. His sister. In a coma. The doctor continued to speak
"her injuries include two broken ribs, a broken shoulder, burns across her chest and stomach, smaller burns leading to her feet and hands, she had two seizures that lasted 7 minutes and 10 minutes, and she went blind in her right eye. As for the after effects, if she wakes up, there will be muscle pain and confusion, we can not yet see if there is brain damage until she wakes up." The doctor finally stopped listing the injuries and told them they could go inside to see her. But when they walked in, they couldn't believed what they saw.

I know I know you all hate me for doing that, but that took a long time and I dont wanna write more. Told you it would get juicy. Love you 3000. All characters are owned by marvel except for of course the reader, unless Bucky has a hold of you, in that case I'm jealous.

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