New World

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Hello lovely welcome to another chapter! Again, special thanks to Cat_Violin
For helping me make this. Anyway, Enjoy!!!
Peter stood there, looking at you with wide eyes, he quickly crushed you in a big hug. You hugged him back as tears welled in your eyes. Tony stood at the door way shocked.
"Can someone please tell me what the hell is happening here."
You turned to Tony and your eyes widened, you werent the biggest fan of the billionaire. You unhooked your hug from Peter and stared at the man.
"Why is he here?" You said angry
" he took me in after May die-" Peter cut himself before he could finish, realizing that you hadn't known about May.
"What?" You asked confused Tony winced, knowing what was about to happen but before you could question it a group of women in suits walked in.
"What the shit balls is happening right now!" You said with wide eyes, you had just gotten up from a coma. You were unable to see from your left eye, Tony Stark is in your room Mays apparently dead. And now some ladies in suits are barging into your hospital room.
" we figured you'd be here, we are gonna find you two a nice foster home." A dark haired lady said, as she walked over to Peter and you.
"The last place I wanna be is with your crusty ass" you said shifting to get your self up. The lady then grabbed your wrist as another lady grabbed Peter shoulder. You winced looking at your wrist. You looked down to see you wrist covered in faint twisting marks. You panicked wondering how it happened, you remeberd the nurses saying you were stuck by lighting.
" Get off me you bitch!" You jerked your wrist away from her and punched the lady that was holding Peter. All hell broke loose, Tony was getting Peter out of the fight as social workers forced you out the door.
"Y/N!!" Peter struggled against Tony trying to get to his sister.
"You two faced bastard"
Peter saw the dark haired lady fall in front of the doorway. Tony was frozen for the first few minutes until he finnaly jumped into action, he let go of Peter and went to pull the lady off of you.
He ran out the doorway to see you getting trampled by police officers.
" THATS ENOUGH" Tony screamed, getting the attention of all of the room. The policeman let go of you anf backed away. Peter ran past Tony and helped his sister off the ground.
" if you dont get out of here I'm pressing charges" Tony said to the officers and social service ladies. They all scurried away and left the three of them in a hospital hallway.
"Again, What in the shit is happening?!" You said to Peter and Tony while you wiped your bloody nose. The three of them slowly went into the room again.
" Y/n. May died, and you were in a coma for 2 months, oh and also Tony stark knows im the spider dude, and I live with the Avengers." Peter said, scared of your reaction. You felt hysterical it was like your were in some crazy fan fiction made by a 14 year old.
" Are we in a fucking comic book. I mean how many people can one lose, is this some kinda curse?" You said, processing everything that just happened, unlike Peter you joked about grief. Peter would cry in his room as you laughed about your dead parents.
You heard peters sobs in you room, you went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror.
"Hey Y/n wanna come over" you said in a deep voice, imitating a random person.
" yeah let me call my parents real quick, oh wait. THERE DEAD!" You giggled to your self as a stray tear rolled down your cheek.
Your mind flashed back from the memory. You remembered the scars on your arm, you looked down and frowned.
" what happened?" You said, eyebrows furrowing.
" You got stuck by lighting. You were just watching the storm. And there were scars all of your body an-" Peter couldn't continue talking, it hurt too much. You quickly ran into your bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror, Peter buried his head in his hands as Tony rubbed his back. You looked at your self, thin scars ran up the left side of your face, covering your eye, which was a foggy blue, worry set in the pit of your stomach, you looked at your arms, which had faded scars leading to your finger tips, the same look was on your legs. Peter felt selfish for crying when you were going through this so he decided to get up and tap you on the shoulder.
" Hey its gonna be ok." Peters voice always soothed you, you turned around and hugged him, tears soaking into his t-shirt.
"I'm gonna change real quick" Peter Walked out to see Tony giving him a confused look. The door shut and Peter sat in a chair as Tony sat on the bed.
" Y/n and I have been through everything together, shes my other half. She can be rude sometimes, and shes not emotional, like she never talks about her feeling at all. But if You dont want her to live with us then I'm not staying." Peter said, trying to sound confident but failing.
" Kid she can stay. But why the hell did you not tell me you had a sister?" Tony said jokingly angry
" I don't know, I thought you wouldn't care..."
You then walked out, still in your gown.
"I don't know why there would just magically be cloths in there..." You said walking out and closing the door.
" lets get out of this hell hole."
You practically yelled, as you walked out of the room.
" I like her."
Sup, hope you enjoyed that chapter! Next up the twins are meeting the Avengers! Love you 3000. All characters are owned by Marvel except for you, unless your like Steve and Buckys secret love child.
Bye Chompers!!!

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