Loss of His Life

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Hey lovely. Guess who's not dead! Yep im back, I finally figured out what to do with the help of Cat_Violin I wouldn't be able to keep up with this if she wasn't helping me out. Anyway, enjoy the chapter!!!
  Peter and May walked in to see your body covered head to toe in different types of bandages. May let out a loud sob and Peter held her close, tears began running down his cheeks as well. His glossy eyes could barely regonize you. For the next 2 weeks his reaction was the same. You had fallen into a coma. Now he was missing his other half. He would cry for a bit then sit beside you and read to you. He would tell you about school and how May was doing. Then his crying stopped. He had calmed down after the two weeks you weren't there, he turned his one C back into an A and picked himself back up. M.J and Ned visted all the time sometimes M.J skipped school to tell you about her crush on Peter and Ned would bring you flowers every friday. May refused to look at your body with all the bandages but eventually she started visiting. She knew she wouldn't be able to deal with herself if she never came and saw you. Nurses would come and move your arms and legs, Peter had to step out when they did that. He didnt wanna see his sister so fragile and vulnerable. Peter came home for the night after visting you, he walked through the apartment door and started talking to May.
" Hey May im back!" He said, placing his homework that he'd been working on atop a wooden desk.
"Hey hun, come here real quick!" May said back to Peter. He walked into the small living room to see Tony Stark sitting on the couch, The famous man looked at Peter, his black eye showing in the dim light.
"Ah, you must be Peter!"
"H-hi yeah thats me. Im him. Th- the Peter."
" Yeah your my new intern! You applied and got in. Congrats" Peter was very confused. He looked at the man with a confused face.
" I'm surprised you didn't tell me Peter"
" Well I thought id surprise you, you love surprises!" Peter said hopeful. Tony, May and Peter talked for awhile before Tony and him went into his room.
" So your your the spider thing, right?" Peter was a bit shocked at this. He hasn't even gone out in his suit and a famous person knows who he is.
"What? No he not me. I mean I'm not him. Er I um..."
" I have my own alert if anything happens at Orscop. Your footage of getting bit by that Spider thing was quite a doozy." Peter calmed a bit, he wasn't sure why but knowing that it wasn't Some viral new thing made him less anxious.
" I want you to join the Avengers." Peter thought for a second, the Avengers? Me. An. Avenger.
"Ok" (I know that this wouldnt happen like ever and theres some confusing parts but just bear with me)
''Ok? So you'll Do it?" Tony said
"Sure" the teenage said back
" Wow. Its usually way harder than that."
" thats what she said" Peter had watched to much of the office to not say that. Tony let out a genuine laugh then told Peter he would make him a suit, Peter said thank you about a billion times before the rich man finally left. Then Peter was left with nothing to distract him, he started thinking about you again. Alone. In a small uncomfortable bed. He shook the feeling from his mind and layed down, ready for sleep to consume him. Then more weeks passed, he kept in touch with Tony over the phone number May just so happened to have. He visited you and read to you as usual. Everything started blurring together for Peter. Wake up, go to school, get home, visit you, do homeqork, sleep. Then he repeats it all over again. Now it had been a month since the accident and Peter was losing hope. He starts training with the Avengers tomorrow. He decided not to tell them about you because it would keep you safe.
Everything was floating, memories washing up on the shore of life its self, waves crashing against each one, rippling through them. There was lighting everywhere. You were somewhere dark, and cold. There was images floating around in your mind, you walked near a picture of uncle Ben, lying on the floor. There was blood soaking through his     T-shirt, spreading across his body until his shirt was covered in it. You looked to the left and saw a plane going down, all the way into a ocean that was blood red. You looked around at all the differnt memories, Crows fly past your face, you looked down at yourself and You had a flowing white dress on. You layed down and looked at the sky. It was you and Peter age 6, chasing each other around the yard.
Everything started to fall apart. Ben. you .and now. May.
"May I'm home. Im about to go to work ok?"
"Ok hun, in fixing some meatloaf, you want some?" Peter felt like he was going to gag, her meatloaf could kill.
" No, I'm fine."
Peter went into his room and started packing, he packed his webshooters, and his homework. He looked to his right to see the window, broken. Their was black creeping from the side. Their was still Glass in the rug. A lonely tear castgated down his cheek.

Peter wiped the tear away and continued packing

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Peter wiped the tear away and continued packing. He put the last of his stuff away when there was a loud Thump. He flashed to Bens body and you screaming.
"May you okay?" Peter asked worried. Their was no response, he left his room and looked in the kitchen, he saw a piece of paper that layed on the kitchen counter.
Dear Peter
Everything is getting to hard, I can't handle it. I'm sorry, I love you. Tell Y/n I love her, if she ever wakes up. I'm truly sorry its just to much Loss.
Love May
Peter could barely manage words, he looked at the open window that was near the kitchen, he walked up to it and looked out to see his Aunt laying in a dark alley, blood pooling around her body.
Guysss. I was gonna give up on this but, again, Cat_Violin helped me out with the plot. Special thanks to her!!! Love you 3000. All characters are owned by Marvel except for you of course. Unless Your Chris Evans.

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