The Deal

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I'm not gonna say much here, only that I'm happy you 14 people are reading my stuff.
Its been a week since Ben died and peter is taking it hard, me on the other hand? I've been avoiding my emotions. I haven't cried since that night, I didn't even cry at the funeral, peter has waken up with nightmares, but I soothe him back to sleep. May has been drinking more, she's been a lot more attached to peter, and shes been avoiding me. I haven't taken it to heart yet, im sure she just needs to cope with the loss. I'm heading back to school on Monday, peter is going back on Wednesday. May said its because peter had it worse, but she didn't know what happened, there was blood everywhere I felt like I was drowning in it ,like the blood had seeped deep into my soul and I couldn't wash it out. But that didn't matter, may is right.
You went back to school to find Ned and MJ wondering where Peter was, you told them he was still at home, they urged you to make sure hes alright. It kinda hurt you to know that they cared about him more. You have gotten used to either being forgotten or being the least favorite, your parents always took a liking to peter, Ned and MJ talked to peter more while you where usually outcasted, and Ben had been the one to talk to peter in his last moments, but you could focus on that later, for now you had to get to history class.
It is lunch time and your half expecting Ned and MJ to blabble on about Peter for eternity, you decide to go to the bathroom to avoid them but on your way back flash decided that you were going to talk with him first. "Hey y/n, your looking a bit fat today!" Flash said laughing
"I'm not in the mood flash"
"Well I am, I heard what happens to your uncle, he's probably glad too get away from you."
You tried not to punch him in the face
"at least my dads not a drunk" you spat at him, an angry look on your face, you remained calm though, for peters sake. Flash faltered when you said this, before you could turn back around he punched you in the face, making you stumble a bit. He then kneed you in the stomach, which made you fall to the ground, pain was starting to become known as you hit the floor with a thump. Flash kicked you again in the stomach,once, twice, maybe a third time, all the air in your lungs seemed to leave as you struggled to suck in another pained breath. Flash decided you had had enough and left you on the floor, going back to the lunch room as if nothing happened. You slowly lifted you body off the ground grunting in the process, you wiped just above your brow to see it was bleeding, your lungs felt like they were burning, you managed to limp back to the bathroom, cleaning your busted lip and putting a wet paper towel on your bleeding forehead. You wonder if anyone will even care. After your forehead and lip are fixed you go back to lunch with MJ and Ned, who seemed to be worried, which made you a bit happy, maybe they cared after all you thought, putting on your classical goofy smile.
Life as a parker twin has always been hard, hard because everyone around you two die. You got back home that day with a feeling of dread because Peter is going to freak out because of a little cut on your forehead, and thats exactly what he did, he was freaking out and trying to figure out what happened.
"Y/n I swear if flash did this I will kill him" peter sneered
"He would squash you like a bug peter, besides it not even that bad, no need to worry bub."
Peter accepted this and lead you towards you twos room
" May left already, said she wanted to get there early so she could get some take-out" you whispered a soft ok and layed down, texting the group chat

Your nickname- guys I'm bored
Mark of Jane- Then do something productive, read a book.
Your nickname- but thats boringggg.
Ned head- yeahhhhhhh
Pete the yeet- study for out algebra test tommorow
Mark of Jane- Nerd

End of chat
"Woah Pete being a nerd what a surprise" you snickered, earning a annoyed look from peter, "Hey I kinda need to tell you something." Peter said, "whats up" you said, not looking up from your phone. " im deciding to go out and use my powers for good." You froze for a second, thinking about all the pros and cons. "Ok" you stated simply l.
"ok? Th-that's all?" Peter questioned.
"Yeah, I don't control you, just don't die." You assured him, you of course were scared but its not like peter was asking, he was telling. "Woah, ok um. Can you help my with a disguise?" Peter questioned.
"I thought you'd never ask" You declared, getting up with excitement, this is going to be fun. You thought
After a few hours of trying to come up with something for Peter to wear you two decided on a hoodie with some sweat pants, and a mask with goggles attached. Everything being red and blue. Peter was ecstatic about being able to save people.
"you do realize we don't even know what you can do right?" You teased, trying to stop Peter from exploding with excitement. "Well. Then we can find out tomorrow, you can pretend your sick or something!" Peter blurted, almost as if he was vomiting words.
"Its a deal petey" You concluded shaking his hand in mock.
I know this is kinda short but its still something. Love you 3000💖. Every character in this story is owned by Marvel except for you, unless you somehow are a pet reading this, in that case Men In Black are coming.

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