Chapter 1: Prem

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_Prem's POV._

It's early morning and I'm in my kitchen humming to one of my favourite songs without a care in the world, cooking breakfast while in my underwear.

I tap my foot to the beat and flip my omelette, and start to sing once it gets to my favourite part.

I've got you,
Oh~ oh~
I'll hold you,
Hold you tight all night~
Breathe you in and bring you closer~
Oh~ oh~
Smilin' 'cause I have you
'Cause I love you,
Oh~ oh~

I continue to hum along as I place my omelette on the plate placed not even an arms length away from the stove and fix myself a glass of orange juice.

I take a seat at the kitchen counter as another song begins to play, just as they have been playing the whole morning, one after another.

I love music, and have for as long as I can remember. There are so many genres, sounds and feels to all the different forms of music, it's enchanting and beautiful, something to indulge ones interests in to the fullest.

So in high school I started taking it more seriously and decided to try and make a living from it.

I played in all the schools talent shows, I played in the park to earn tips and even in some bars. It was just me and my guitar as I sang my heart out. I loved it, and I loved how everyone else did. The best part was seeing their smiling faces, it gave me hope that my dream could actually come true.

And it did, well sorta.

I was doing a set for a friend who's original act had cancelled on them, and they needed someone. So when they asked I said yes.

I was busy packing up my stuff once my set was done, and a guy came up to me and asked how long I'd been doing my music for. He said he was a music producer and wanted to know if I'd been interested in working with him. I was quite skeptical of him, but before he left he gave me his card.

That night I checked and saw he was for real and had actually produced the music of some of my favourite bands, none of them big, but definitely having the potential to be.

So the next day I contacted him and set up a meeting. We talked and got on quite well, we've actually become friends over the 2 years I've known him.

Just over a year later I was releasing my first EP, and surprisingly it came out pretty well and a lot of people liked it. And that made me beyond happy.

And now I'm busy working on my first album. Luckily words come easy to me, if I just sit down for like a minute words come to me, the only thing is making it into something good that people will enjoy and share with others.

I really like song writing, letting my mind wonder and find words that'll soon become something more. Lyrics tangling with emotion and unheard thoughts that come together to create a wondrous form of art.

It's quite beautiful actually, if you think about. All the different meanings a song can have. Even if it's a happy song for one person, for another it could be sad, and visa versa.

Taking the last bite of my omelette and finishing my juice I get up to place the dishes in the sink, washing them in the process.

My morning playlist ends and I head to my room to get ready for work.

Since I'm not making too much money from being a musician just yet, I have a second job, for now at least.

I work at my friends clothing store. It pays quite a lot and does exceedingly well. I'm grateful she gave me the job and that there was an opening for me.

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