Chapter 10: So Much More

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If you think that I'm still in bed at 9 am, you are wrong. If you think I'm too nervous to get up because my crush of 4 years is currently in my kitchen making breakfast, you are wrong.

You are right.

I can't get up. He's in my kitchen right now, I can hear him humming, and every now and then talking to Lu.

I can tell you right now that he's most likely only in a T-shirt and boxers.

And just the thought of that makes me want to die. I need help.

I mean it's not like I haven't seen him like that before, so I should be perfectly fine with it right?


Every time I see him like that I get flustered, I stutter, say weird things and that makes me become even more flustered. And I am not ready to endure that right now.

What's wrong with me?

"Boun, breakfast's ready!"


I should've known that he'd know I was awake.

I'd told him a while ago that I wasn't able to sleep past 8 because of a routine I had a little while back, and now my body just automatically wakes up before 8, sometimes 8 exactly.

"Coming now!"


I slowly sit up and swing my legs off the bed onto the floor.

You can do this! It's only Prem.


Prem in a T-shirt and boxers...

Nope, I can't do this.

If I'm not there in a few minutes he's going to come check on me.

Then he'll be in my room, in a T-shirt and boxers...

Okay fine! I give up.

I quickly get up and put on a pair of sweat pants and a shirt that doesn't smell.

This thing with Prem has really gotten worse over the years I swear.

I walk out my room and head to the kitchen.

And there he is, the cutest thing I could ever lay eyes on, in my kitchen, making our breakfast... in a T-shirt and boxers.

Double fuck.

"Morning!" He gives me a smile that makes my heart flutter, I wouldn't mind waking up every morning to that beautiful smile.

"Morning. You didn't have to do this."

"Well I did, so enjoy."

He walks over to the cupboards and takes out two glasses and gets some orange juice from the fridge.

The sight is enough to make me smile again.

And then I look down...

Triple fuck.

"Are you okay, your face looks kinda red."

"I-I'm f-fine."

"You sure?"



He places the cups on the table and pours juice in each of them.



"H-how'd you sleep?"

"I had a good sleep, your blankets are so soft!" That makes me chuckle.

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