Chapter 6: Friends

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Although I didn't have an alarm set, I had still woken up early, around 7:36 I think? That's considered to be an early time to wake up right?

With a not so small yawn I sit up and stretch, getting out of bed only a few moments later. Greeting Lu with a morning kiss before heading to the kitchen, she tries to kiss me back, but I manage to swiftly dodge it.

"You're too slow~" I say giving her one last kiss before lazily heading out the room and to the kitchen.

I first go to clean Lu's water and fill up her pellet bowl, if anything she's like my child, and children come first, no exceptions.

Making myself a cup of coffee I go to take a seat at the counter, scrolling through Twitter as a pass time. It's so funny reading people's comments on the photos I post. Sure not all of them are good, but I brush those ones off, it's just someone's opinion and I have no reason for it to affect me.

Once my coffee is done and I'm more awake and less likely to burn or mess something up I get started on making breakfast; scrambled eggs and toast.

I'm not working today, my schedule's clear and I've got nothing to do. So I'm not sure what I'll be doing - if anything - to keep busy, but I'm not really bothered by it. If something's supposed to come up, it will.

Humming softly, I cook the eggs, making sure not to burn or over cook them, I'm not exactly skilled in the mornings and it's been proven before.

Lu comes into the kitchen, heading straight for her food, eating till she's satisfied before going to lie down on the pillow beside her bowl, curling up into a ball of fluff and cuteness. I chuckle at her cute behaviour.

"You're so lazy in the mornings." I coo.

Once my breakfast has been made I head over to the lounge, taking a seat on the sofa as I grab the TV's remote, deciding to put on the news. I find the news quite interesting despite the fact that not all the topics talked about are good things.

Lu also comes to join me, lying down on my feet, literally, once again curling up into a cute ball. Though I don't know what is even remotely comfortable about lying down on unwashed feet.

In the middle of watching some guy on the TV talk about a car crash that happened recently, phone buzzes.

Ai'Ohm: Hey.

Ai'Boun: What's up?

Ai'Ohm: I was just wondering if you'd like to hang out today with Fluke and I, if you're not busy.

Ai'Boun: That'd be great, I haven't see you guys in a while.

Ai'Ohm: Cool, when would you like to meet, Fluke and I are free all day.

Ai'Boun: How about we go out for lunch, and whenever is fine with you guys, I'm not busy either.

Ai'Ohm: Sounds good. Maybe we meet at twelve, though where do you want to meet?

Ai'Boun: Twelve is good and how about at the café we'd always go to?

Ai'Ohm: Yeah, that works for us.

Ai'Boun: Cool, see you guys in a bit :)

Ai'Ohm: See ya :)

I feel a smile coming on, it really has been a while since I last saw them, at least three months I think, I miss them.

The four of us have been friends since middle school, and they're also the only ones that know about my crush on Prem. Though it wasn't my intention for them to find out, but apparently, I was being beyond obvious.

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