Chapter 29: Exposed

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It's a peaceful morning, and although I'm awake, I pretend not to be.

My ear rests above my lovers steady heartbeat.

I know he's awake, for I can feel his eyes on me and his fingers in my hair as he gently strokes and plays with it.

Focussing on keeping my breaths even, I indulge myself in this moment of peace and solidarity.

Mornings like this are what make me cherish the fact that I am able to wake up everyday, that I get to have these moments.

It makes me feel at peace, like I'm floating above the clouds without a care in the world.

His one arm is draped around my back all the way to my middle as his legs tangle with my own, as if he were keeping me all to himself, the rest of the world prohibited from coming near me.

The calming scent of his natural cologne brings a feeling of safety to my nerves, his arms being the walls of my home, his smile the sun that shines down on me, his eyes my galaxy of stars that I can never look away from, his hands that keep me on the ground and his heart, the very thing that makes me fall in love with him over and over again.

He is my home, and has been from before I even realised it.

I slowly move closer onto his chest, wanting to be closer to my source of warmth, and for a few seconds his heartbeat quickens. I try my hardest not to smile and keep myself from blowing my cover.

His grip tightens around me for a moment before loosening and a short peck is placed on my crown.

"Wake up love..." He whispers giving me another peck, but on my temple.

He rubs small circles on my hip, continuing to run his fingers through my hair with his other hand.

I pretend to wake up, stirring a bit, then open my still sleepy eyes to gaze into his love filled ones.

"Morning angel." He smiles, running his thumb over my cheek.

He then leans down, placing a kiss on my nose, and I dig my face into the crook of his neck.

"Did you have a nice sleep?" I hum in reply.

"That's good."

His suddenly wraps both his arms around me and pulls me fully on top of him, I place my chin onto his chest, just staring at him as he does the same.

"You are absolutely breath taking in the morning." He says cupping the side of my face.

"Am I now?"

"Definitely." I smile at his answer.

"Ahh! Too bright!" He playfully covers his eyes looking away from me.

"Oh stop being so cheesy."

"But how can I, when it makes you happy." A slight blush creeps onto my cheeks at that.

"I really hate you sometimes, you know that?"

"Yeah, I see it in your eyes all the time, don't worry, I know."

"It's too early for this sweettalk!" He chuckles.

"You don't even know what time it is."

"You're up and that tells me everything I need to know."

"What? You've been up for almost as long as I have, don't accuse me of waking you up early."

"I- wait what?"

"What? You think I didn't know you were awake."

"I don't know what you're taking about!"

I quickly roll off of him and throw the covers off me. But before my feet can even touch the ground he's already pulled me back.

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