Chapter 33: Oblivious

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_There's another part after this,_ _please check it out_

Fingers weave through the soft strands of black hair only centimeters in front of me.

A cloak of darkness embraces the room accompanied by the ever calming ambience that surrounds us.

Soft, low breaths play through the room as the musician in my arms peacefully sleeps, completely unaware of my actions towards him.

Back against my chest, his body falls and rises at every breath he takes. His hand clasps my own on the other side of his frame.

My other hand still lightly playing with his locks, an absent-minded action as my thoughts strive to keep my eyes open, refraining me from falling back into my previous slumber.

Having been awoken suddenly for no apparent reason. Nerves could be reason for this, but uncertainty lingers in the air, my belief for that not being solid, but not completely discarded either.

I can only assume it's the early hours of the morning. The sound of chattering engines meet my ears in the distance, but I don't pay heed to the noises, too engrossed in the being before me.

The feeling of familiarity playing on the tips of my memories. The current situation having been played over and over again for the past five months. A situation I can never completely come to terms with.

My feelings and emotions being taken on a never ending rollercoaster ride as I explore through this dream-like reality.

Through all the years of dreaming about these moments, nothing came even close to the reality that it is now. I would have never thought it could feel like this.

Those dreams having nothing on this present moment, past moments or the anticipated future moments.

Though I'd wondered and longed to know how it would feel to have his soft, addicting lips on my own, I realise that after all the kisses we've shared, nothing has even come close to feeling of just having him in my arms late at night.

A kiss is one thing, but this euphoric feeling I feel when we lay like this is so much more.

It's the small things that matter in a relationship, it's the small things that make the biggest difference. Not how intimate you are sexually, but emotionally.

And for Prem and I, we've always been trusting and understanding of each other. We've always respected each other's decisions, even when we don't agree with them, we always hear the other out, even though some times we take our time to come around to it. Pride, and the inability to admit ones faults can play a rough game...

Before I can continue my actions of playing with the musicians hair, a soft incoherent mumble leaves his lips and his hand breaks from mine.
But before I can think anything of it, he starts to move in my arms, turning around.

His face now faces my own, still sound asleep as he drapes his arm over my side and snuggles into my chest.

Reflexively, I wrap my arms around his waist, bringing him closer and inhaling a deep breath of his calming scent.

Maybe it was the increase of warmth, his lulling scent or all of the above. But within moments I felt my eyes become heavy, sleep knocking at my door.

And as soon as I opened it the world disappeared, replaced by a vale of darkness.


It's moments like these that I wish I could just stay in bed forever and never have to even acknowledge that the outside world even exists.

Oblivious (Boun x Prem)Where stories live. Discover now