Chapter 17: White Walls

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It's about 7:15 on a Sunday morning and I find myself awake in the kitchen sitting at the counter with a cup of coffee in hand.

Have you ever found yourself in one place just staring off into space and thinking about nothing and all you see is a white wall that blocks everything else out?

Since I was young I've been able to clear my mind, I'd slip away and just leave this mortal plane and travel to space, space as in four white walls that block all my thoughts out or even people.

I used to find myself lost in nothing but my head, not even aware of my surroundings, people or anything. If one were to talk to me I wouldn't hear it, it was a problem sometimes.

It usually happens when I'm thinking about something. One second I'm focusing and thinking, and the next I'm staring at a white wall.

Lately I've felt like something's different, like there's something I'm missing. But every time I get close or just think about what it could be I find myself facing that white wall.

Maybe it's just because it's close?...

Instead of lingering on my thoughts and such I thought I might as well work on my album, so I'm working on the lyrics of 'With You'

With you...
I'm falling forward and I'm
not gonna stop.
Take my hand, take it and let's run,
run far away~
Run faster than the wind,
passed the dark skies and to the
rising sun far away from everyone~
Take me with you to your heaven,
show me your dreams and fears and let's fall together~
With you~
To your world of beauty and hope.
Show me,
hold me and let us drift forever on our dreams and find our paradise~
Oh with you, you you you,
oh with you~

This song for me represents me as a young child finding love and feeling as though I were in heaven.

That's what it feels like to be in love, for me at least. I remember my first kiss and how I felt like I'd never feel something as ethereal as that. I guess I still believe that, nothing is more ethereal than a kiss. The feeling of ones lips on your own, how it makes you feel as though you're soaring through the sky and will never be able to come down, but you don't want to, ever.


I look up from my notebook and see Boun staring at me.

"Oh, morning."

"Morning. Why are you up so early, on a Sunday none the less?"

"Oh, I guess it was just time for me to wake up." He nods and heads to put the kettle on.

"So, I was wondering if you'd like to go out today?"


"Well... I thought we could maybe go to this butterfly farm place."

"Oh, is it Butterflies Haven?"

"Yeah. I know you like butterflies and I thought it would help with your song writing and give you inspiration."

'That's sounds like a great plan."



"Okay. Then how about we go there for lunch, you know, so we can dine amongst the butterflies."

"Oh my gosh, that sounds so captivating and beautiful. You said it, we have to!"

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