Chapter 30: Butterflies

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The weekend went by in a flash, Boun stayed over one more night before leaving Monday afternoon sometime.

We'd just spent most of our time watching movies, we played a few board games as well, and I successfully bathed Lu with no trouble what so ever.

I don't understand what Boun means, she's a little angel in the bath.

Not to mention how cute she looks once she's dried off and her hair is so poofy, it's adorable!

But anyway, it's Tuesday and I'm currently in the studio working on the tracks for my album, recording, editing, and working on my lyrics.

I've actually just finished recording one of my songs and am now sitting with the two editors.

"See here, what if we put this in over here, in this part of the song, instead of over here." Says Faun pointing to different sections of the song, she's one of the editors along with Guy who's sitting next to her.

"That could work, let's give it a try." She nods.

I've been here for a few hours now and it's been great. I've got to spend time with Faun and Guy, I've only seen them a couple of times since the making of my EP.

We're actually close friends. We just hit it off from the beginning and kept it touch ever since.

"Okay, that sounds good. Now what about we shorten this part, it seems like it's dragging." She nods and removes a section of the song.

We go on like this for about half an hour more, editing, talking and joking around, just like old times.


"Wait. So you're telling me that you have a boyfriend!?" Asks Faun.


"I'm so happy for you!"


"How long have you guys been dating?" Asks Guy.

"Tomorrow it'll have been a week that we've been together."

"Shit. It hasn't been that long then."

"Not really, but it just feels so right. And plus we already know everything about each other, so it's not like we have to go through this long period of time of getting to know each other. We're also already so close, it feels like the only different thing we do is kiss."

At that Faun gives me a suggestive smirk, a childish grin on her face.

"Just kissing?"

"Yes. We've only been together for a few days, of course we haven't done anything else."

"Okaaay. But anyway, I'm glad you've got someone. Ahh, I remember my days of being courted." Sighs Faun, Guy laughs.

"You say that like it was a decade ago or something. I'm pretty sure you only got married like 2 years ago."

"Oh shush."

"Yeah, and isn't courting like the phase where you're not dating, but you're flirting and stuff?" She glares at me.

"Thank you for that Warut."

"Hey, I'm just being real." Guy laughs again, but tries to cover his mouth when Faun's glare turns to him.

"I didn't come here to be ganged up on."

"No, you came here so you could get paid."

"Thank you Guy, thank you."


"You're impossible you know that."

"Yes, yes I do." He gives her a 'proud' smile and I can tell she's rolled her eyes.

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