Becoming alpha

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I'm on a mission. Actually me, my wife and my pack are on a mission. That's right, my name is Hannah and I'm the alpha of my pack it's my wife standing beside me. I have been the alpha of my pack for five years and I have been married to my wife for two. Since I became alpha my pack has lived peacefully alongside the vampires and the witches. We have always been at at peace and respected the witches as well as befriend them, but the vampires that's a different story. Vampires and werewolves have been at war killing each other for two centuries now.

It all started when some power hungry werewolves and vampires started to rebel. They were smart and started pitting the two species against each other and eventually it worked. Once the two species hated each other enough the power hungry werewolves and vampires started killing innocents ripping there hearts and throats out. Tearing them up limb from limb like rag doles. This caused the vampires and werewolves to go to war. It was a day of great loss and it's impact had left everyone blaming each other. Ever since then the hatred for each other grew and grew and the killing of each other just grew. So now two hundred years later we are still killing each other.

At least we were up until I became alpha five years ago. I was seventeen when I was chosen by the pack to fight in the contest to become alpha. You see in my pack the alpha chooses one beta wolf at the start of their reign that they think deserves a chance and then lol the other betas vote in four more beta wolves into the contest to become the next alpha. I never liked the contest it was brutal and mainly just painful. Two of the five betas names are pulled out a hat and for me mine got picked first. The two betas are made to fight to the death. Which ever beta wins gets a days rest and then one more name is picked out of the hat and you have to fight them to the death then like last time the winner gets a days rest and fights again and then again. Which ever beta is alive at the end gets a one week rest then the ceremony is performed by the elders of the pack. Obviously you can tell I won my fights all four of them, I killed every single other beta in the contest and I was only seventeen. As I said before once you have rested for a week the elders of the pack cloth you in the traditional robes needed to worn for part of the ceremony. Once you've been dressed they put black charcoal paint on your face to demonstrate the power and show the transition from beta wolf to alpha wolf. When they finish making sure your presentable they put you on the ancient stone platform for the final parts of the transition. First they bless you with holy water from the angels then strip you to your underwear and get the branding iron. On it is the symbol of the pack, we are the pack of loyalty so the symbol represents loyalty. The elders heat it up and press it against the top of your back then both forearms. They cover the brands with bandages so they don't get damaged during the next part. Now every member of the pack gets their claws out and every member gets a turn to scratch you. After it you will be covered in blood, you'll barley be able to see the color of your own skin you have to use your wolf to heal yourself if your wolf eye color changes from beta blue to alpha red you will officially be the alpha of the pack and that is when they all bow and pledge their undying loyalty. When I became alpha I did what no other alpha even thought or had the courage to do...

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