The feast

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Today is the day of the feast. In a couple hours I have to celebrate my engagement with Katrina and i's people but less twelve hours ago I killed five of my pack. How am I supposed to be the alpha that brings peace when members of my pack don't trust me and challenge me. In three years I have killed six members of my pack, found the love of my life and created peace. After all I've done good and bad I know there are still people who don't like what I do for our people and trust me how can I ever let my guard down if I always need to watch my back. I knew becoming alpha would be hard but I didn't expect this.


The entire pack and all the vampires are scattered across different tables with different meats and blood for the vampires in front of them with fruits and flavorings to. I stand up with Katrina and make a toast " today is a celebration, not only have we had three years of peace I have met the love of my life and a year yesterday she will become my wife in the same place our friendship ceremony took place and the same place I asked her to be my girlfriend and also my fiancé and soon to be wife. Too peace and love"
Everyone raised their glasses and started to eat.

I plaster a smile on and eat my food watching the interactions between our people. I look to my right and see Katrina staring at me.
She looks me in the eye, " your still deeply sad about the past events"
"Yes they were my people I'm supposed to protect them and instead I was forced to kill them. I felt their pain and I felt the entire packs pain. It's not easy being a leader"
"I know. I was once told there are four words that mean more than I love you and that's it is I'm here for you and I really mean it I am here for you always till the day I die."
" your the best thing that's ever happened to me I hope you know that"
" I do I'm pretty amazing"
" I love you"
" I love you too"


The feast went well and I have cleaned up so everyone can sleep in I can still smell the alcohol on people's breathe. Tomorrow is going to be a slow day for many people. I return to my house and see Katrina with a glass of water in the kitchen. I walk towards her and she hands me the glass. She looks at me deeply and then starts to speak " it's okay to mourn them not all day everyday but take one day pray for them and them when that day is over return to your self and I'll be waiting." She always knows exactly what to say to make me feel better.
" I don't need to they came at me they knew the price of loosing and we should not burden ourselves with it. It was sad and now I must move on it's that simple." I say.
She takes the glass from my hand and tilts my head head so I'm looking at her. " don't fo that my love, you act like this doesn't pain you but you forget I can feel the basis of your feelings I know that this is just you trying to bury it only for it to come back one day and break you. Deal with it now, let me help you so it doesn't haunt you later in life" . By this point I can feel the burn of tears in my eyes slowing falling she holds my tight and we just stand there in each others embrace slowing easing me into sleep.

Sorry this is so short even though I didn't update in weeks quarantine isn't the best yet still people find a way to bring you down. If any of you are going through something don't be afraid to message me my insta is @hannah4of6 or message me on this I prefer insta though.

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