A frienship becomes more

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1 year later
Katrina and I have kept our promise, we have seen each other for at least an hour everyday. The vampires and werewolves have lived in peace and the past has been forgiven, I have been forgiven. Thankfully no one else has challenged me so no one has died from violence in this past year.

Katrina was my rock through that time which helped grow our friendship enormously by learning to trust each other more and get more familiar with each other. We trust each other with our lives. It's kind of crazy really we did the friendship ceremony to create peace and now I see it was fate that brought us together and we were always going to be in each other's life's.

Lately I have been seeing things. Things I didn't notice before.whenever I'm around Katerina it feels magical. She makes me more happy then I ever thought I could be, I feel free when we talk. It's like I'm not the alpha or a werewolf I'm just me. It's my personality that she sees not the thing that I am known to be. It's as if I have no responsibility's and the rest of the world has just checked out so Katrina and I are the only ones left.

Im supposed to be meeting her in an hour so I start getting ready. I brush and straighten my hair so it falls nicely down my back. I put on some mascara, eye shadow, eye liner and some lip gloss. I get dressed in dark blue skinny jeans and a black t-shirt with cuffed sleeves and then black and white converse then grab a jacket and head out. We are meeting at the lake where the friendship ceremony took place as it's our one year anniversary.

Right now I'm eighteen, the pack fully respects me and the vampires do as well. That's more than likely Katrinas input though.

As I walk to my garage I put my gloves and helmet on. I know if I crash and don't die that I will heal quickly but still it's better safe than sorry. I open the garage door and walk to my motor bike seating myself onto it. I put the keys in the ignition and start driving. I make my way on the trail threw the woods and drive quickly (I like the rush of adrenaline).

I start to slow down soon coming to a stop. I take my gear off and call Katrina hoping she'd be here soon. The phone rings longer than usual but then she picked up " hi Hannah don't worry I will be there soon".
I smiled " how did you know I was going to say that".
I just know you so well and we're bonded you know from that friendship ceremony, remember now we connect emotionally and physically so I had a good shot at guessing".
" Right I forgot about the whole connection thing,  anyway how long do you think it will be until you here". There is no reply and the call just ended. My heart is racing and I could feel it fill with worry. Not a second later I was forcefully pressed with my back against a tree " I'm already here" and there she was with a mischievous smile on her face and sparkle in her eye.
"Don't do that you had me really worried I thought something bad might have happened to yo". I said calmly but with obvious relief in my voice. I was happy her more playful side is something I get to see so often it is like your just happy when she's like this around you nothing can make you sad. I mean technically she's like seventy years old in a twenty year old body so it's not like I'd expect her to behave.
"I know you were worried, I like it when you worry about me, it's flattering" Katrina said smirking while she presses me against the tree even more making less and less space between us. Yeah I guess you could say we have a close friendship so much so that we are comfortable in these kinds of positions. Basically we don't have boundaries around each other or any lines we can't cross.

This is because of the connection we have you see our emotional connection allows us to know how the other is feeling more than they can explain so when one of us is sad the other knows exactly what level of sad and it can sometimes affect the other person making them feel a little bit of what the other is feeling. Then there's our physical connection, if one of us is in pain and injured then the other feels something similar to pins and needles but it's also a little painful in the exact spot the other is hurt. Also if they injury is really bad then the other persons pins and needles will be more painful to show how badly the other is hurt and when it's something that's just a scratch from a twig or something it's less painful and it just tingles. We also have like a gps signal so if we need each other we just think about the other person and we can see like a path to where they are that no one else can see. It also happens when we are injured like a safety mode in case we are knocked out or something. That's happened a few times over the past year. In my pack we are trained to fight as soon as we can walk and then we can either choose to become a warrior and continue training or pick a different specialty. I'm the alpha so I am automatically the leader of the warriors. This means I have to become the best fighter so I would go up against around three grown technically advanced warriors in sparring so I got hurt pretty often and every time she got there as soon as she could.

Now with her pressing up against me holding me to a tree keeping me from moving, the happiness I felt, I knew we were going to be this close for eternity. I subconsciously lick my bottom lip and I notice how Katrina is distracted watching the movement and seeing the thin laying of little sweat beads on my neck I take my chance. I take hold of the back of her thighs picking her up around my waist while switching out positions so she was against the tree and I was holding her there. We were so close and my head slowly gravitates towards hers as I press my less experienced lips against her soft heavenly ones. I feel her hands move up to my neck deepening our kiss. It's passionate yet loving but you can feel the desire for each other. We waited too long for this one kiss we never want to stop this moment. I am taken by surprise when Katrina slides her tongue into my my mouth causing me to moan. I let her take control of the situation letting her explore the depths f my mouth. We kiss and kiss and kiss until our lungs are burning from lack of oxygen and we need to stop. As I catch my breathe Katrina leans down to my ear and says " nice moves young one". (Her nickname for me)
"Glad you liked them princess" I said using her favorite nickname knowing how it makes her feel. I could still taste her on my lips, my tongue and all in my mouth. She tastes sweet it's addicting. All I want to do is kiss her again. So I move her from the tree but still around my waist and lay her on the fresh green grass right where the sun was shining brightest. I was holding myself up above her while my legs were enter twined with hers. I look at her eyes deep into her souls and see the joy. I could feel the high this was giving her adding to my own high. This is a feeling I have never felt before and I don't ever want to stop feeling like it.

I leaned down and roughly took her lips in mine being more dominant than last time. I removed her hands from around my neck and pinned them against the floor above her head smirking when she gasped out of surprise and excitement. This encouraged me more as a slide my tongue on her bottom lip asking for an entrance which she immediately gives. I took my time mesmerizing every inch of her mouth wanting to explore how her body moves when i touch certain areas or do different things with my tongue inside her mouth. Every now and then when I feel certain parts of her mouth I can hear the quiet moans from her throat vibrate into my tongue. We had barley done anything and I was already feeling a pulse in my private area. I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter with every passing second. Before I even realize what's happening I am pushed hard on my back and see the sexy Katrina straddling my hips tearing my top off of me. I leant up and help her with her own top throwing it to wear the the pieces of mine are. She pushed me back to the ground slowing kissing my abs before she ripped my sports bra off of me using her vampire fangs and looks me straight in the eyes before licking the valley between my tender breast and every so often nipping my skin.Every time she nips small moans of pleasure escape my mouth. After drawing blood a couple times only turning me on more I sat up quickly taking her bra off chucking it to the side and take my time to look at the topless beauty in front of me. She leans down again reconnecting our lips as I cup both her breasts with my hands squeezing sending a hot fire through the both of us...

I'm out of breathe, I'm the happiest I have ever been and I'm laying naked beside my beautiful Katrina. We are both sweaty and hot so i decided to get us cool in no time and quickly scoop Katrina up and carry her bridal style to the lake and throw her in and watch her as the water splashes then I jump right in. I stayed under the water wanting to scare her. I wait a minute until I see her looking around for me and then go up behind her coming out the water while grabbing her hips to lift her out the water slightly and drop back in again "ah" she screams while I swim around laughing. She came back into sight and stared at me "your dead". I knew I was in for it then. She jumps on me and we start playfully wrestling in the water.

We are like this for a bit longer then we decide to dry off and get dressed. By the time we finish up it is sun set so I motion for Katrina to sit. She walks to my and I open my legs waiting for her sit between them and rest her back against my front. I wrap my arms around her waist and rest my chin on her shoulder. She puts her hands on top of mine. We wait and watch as the sun leaves us and the moons shows its self. The only light that enables me to see my beautiful vampire comes from the moon and it's stars. I know it's time we go home so I take Katrina back to the mansion and kiss her goodnight. I then make my way home and go straight to bed falling asleep dreaming about the memories I made today. 

Authors note:
This is my first story be as judgmental as you want vote for my story if you want message me do that I'm cool with it I will update soon.

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