Getting peace

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I did something no alpha has done for over two hundred years. I created peace between the wolves and the vampires.

The night I became alpha once everyone had gone to sleep I left. I had to make things right for my people. So as I ran through the woods silently I thought about what I'd say to Katrina ( the leader of the vampires ). For a second I was so deep in thought I almost ran straight past the mansion. I walked up the stone steps up to the door. Before I could even knock the door was swung open and I was hissed at. I could see this mans fangs poking out as his eyes darkened with his hatred for me and my kind. I kept my temper under control not wanting to start another conflict by showing my wolf. After all I did go there for peace. However with every passing moment I could feel his hatred rise practically burst out of him like a scent. I didn't want him spreading anymore of that scent expressing his hatred that openly so staying calm I said "please take me to Katrina, I have important things that I would very much like to discuss".
"Now why would I do that" he replied bitterly.
I said the only thing I could the truth "because the old alpha died weeks ago so I'm the alpha now and unlike the past alphas I don't want my pack to hurt anymore". Just as I finished the man disappeared and was instantly replaced with the beauty that was Katrina. "Hi, I don't believe we've met, I'm Katrina" she said with charm as she stuck her hand out. "I know who you are, I'm Hannah, I'm the new alpha of the werewolves" I replied shaking her hand respectfully. I took in her features slowly. She had raven black hair with skin as white as snow, eyes blue like the depths of the ocean. She was beautiful, nobody could deny it, her body was slim yet muscular and toned in the best way. She was wearing a tight red dress that stopped at her mid thigh showing her long legs and had black stilettos on making her just a little taller than me. From what I could tell she looked around twenty but since she's a vampire I gathered she would be a lot older. The moment I saw her full figure I was intimidated but mesmerized. I could barley hold it together on this inside it felt like a wildfire. It was only when Katrina had sat me in a chair opposite her that I realized I had been taken to a private room that looked like an office. It wasn't what I expected really it looked almost Royal and also prestigious with books neatly piled in different places. I was snapped out my thoughts when Katrina started speaking again "so why is my presence wanted by a werewolf alpha"
It was then I remembered the meaning of this talk and so I spoke from my heart "I want peace like we had so long ago, I don't see why the decisions made by our ancestors should affect us today two hundred years later, I don't want anymore bloodshed, surely we can both agree that a life of peace is better than a life of war". She looked at me so deeply like she was trying to see into my soul. Maybe she was trying to see if mine was pure or maybe she didn't trust my words and thought I had ulterior motives. It didn't matter really I knew what I came here to do and I won't leave until I get it. After a while she stopped like she got all the information she needed from that one lingering stare and walked towards me. She took my hands in hers, and a shiver crawled down my spine. I froze as she got closer and closer to me. She stopped only inches from my face. We looked straight at each other and she softly spoke saying the words that filled me with relief "there's nothing I would love more than the peace you speak of". She helped me stand and quickly pulled me into a tight embrace, she then whispered in my ear "I've been waiting for an alpha like you for seventy years, thank you". When we pulled apart she had tears in her sparkly eyes, she was smiling like the angels above and all I could do was smile back and give a respectful nod of appreciation as to say my pleasure.

Since we both agreed that we wanted peace we just needed to show the people that follow us that we can have peace and that we as leaders have come together to have this peace. I was wary as I had only been alpha for a few hours now and they may not accept it but I had to try get peace the only way I knew how. We needed to get a blessed friendship. Both werewolves and vampires have this and believe in it like religion so I knew it would work for the majority. For what felt like hours I stayed with Katrina discussing our plan. We had to make sure we could get every werewolf and every vampire there and we couldn't afford for anything to go wrong. If something did then it would mean the end of days. The vampires were all protected from the sun thanks to the powerful witches which meant we could do it anytime of day so we decided to do it as soon as we could. We would have it at noon which meant hopefully ten hours until we have peace once again. By the time we finalized everything it was about three in the morning. Katrina walked me to the door and I took a step forward coming out of the mansion taking a big breathe in sensing the empty streets, so quiet, so calming, I loved it. I continued walking forward at a steady pace then took a moment to look back only to see Katrina still standing there seductive as ever leaning against the threshold smiling. It was beautiful, the way the moon complemented her skin tone giving her that angel glow. She was breathtaking. I smiled happily before tearing my eyes away and running back home. Running through the woods at wold speed in human form was one of my favorite things to do. I was faster than any human as any werewolf is but being an alpha meant you were ten times faster stronger more strategic then any werewolf and that all my sense were better my quick healing was faster than the flash running through time. I can feel the wind push against me like it wants me to slow down and I can hear every breathe an animal takes whether it's asleep or awake and I can smell all of nature from the lake water to the blood that courses through animals blood to the grass sprouting out the ground. Being an alpha meant so much more power but how you use that power shows what alpha you are. I choose to protect my pack with this power.

As I got closer to the little village I slowed down and looked to see if any lights were on. There was one on so I knew it just meant more challenge for me and I love a challenge. I know my front door is creaky so I climbed up the side of my house and keeps through my bedroom window that I have always left unlocked for the many times I snuck out. When I got into my room I quickly got changed into my usual pajama shorts and white vest and collapsed onto the comfy queen sized bed. I wanted to sleep but I felt so awake. I couldn't stop thing that in just nine hours my people will have peace. The thoughts comforted me and it felt nice and that's when I felt the presence of another being in my room. I sat up and looked to the corner of the room to see Katrina the woman I was just with looking at me longingly. "Do you miss me already?" I questioned with a sly grin because obviously being a hormonal seventeen year old I had to say that. Then before I could even blink she was sat right in front of me. I felt our breathes merge with each other we were that close. I was consumed with the smell of vanilla perfume coming from the beauty in front of me. She placed her hands on my lap that instantly sent a shock wave through my body and put butterflies in my stomach. As I watched her intently she started to speak "I feel I owe you a million thanks if you hadn't been so brave as to come to a mansion of vampires and talk to me about peace then we wouldn't be making it happen in the next hours to come, so I thank you with all the good in my heart and hope it is enough". Her words took me be surprise but it was a good surprise. Something about Katrina was just so compelling so I felt i needed to talk to her more and give her answers "it may have been brave but that wasn't what I intended to give as an impression of me, all I was thing was that I wanted peace, I always have and now that I'm alpha I had finally been given the power to do so and in a few hours peace will be official". I was still staring into Katrinas eyes trying to just get a hint of what she was thinking and from what I could sense about her I knew she was different from the other vampires and that even though she has killed she is still pure " I'm sorry that went through all you did to become alpha, however I'm glad you did your wiser stronger than anyone in your pack, you have blood on your hands but you let it shape you into a leader instead of change you and the purity of your heart, you are a great leader just like I always knew you would". Katrina spoke softly.
"What do you mean you knew I would be?" I asked with a hint of curiosity in my voice.
She chuckled then answered "Hannah I saw your birth and I've watched you grow, you always stood out from the people of your pack, you helped then even if they didn't ask for it and you were stubborn and harsh when you wanted them to listen, you went against the alpha so many times when you knew about the consequences and just held your head high through it all. You were the alpha long before today and everyone here knows it so I'm happy it became official I don't know how much longer I could have waited for your reign".
I couldn't help but smile at her words and took a moment to think about what she said. To lighten up the mood and hear her laugh again I decided to be funny and say "you know how creepy that sounds right, you just admitted to fully fledged stalking me". I internally patted myself on the back as I saw Katrina cry with laughter I've never seen anyone look so carefree in the world. Once she wiped her tears and calmed herself down she looked to me leant forward and hugged me then whispered "goodnight young one" and just like that she was gone.

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