The friendship ceremony

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(8 hours later)
It was noon and Katrina had gathered the vampires and I got all the pack to the lake where my friend Amy who is a witch was waiting for Katrina and I. I had my smart black jeans on with a white T-shirt and leather jacket on. Katrina had a loose silky white top tucked into a short black skirt with black heels on. She was talking to the vampires telling them to behave like I had done with the werewolves. Amy was stood at the front of everyone holding two necklaces in her hands. One had the pendant of the moon and one of the sun. This is because vampires are servants of the moon and vampires are slaves to the sun. When I looked back over to the vampires I immediately locked eyes with Katrina. We both knew what was happening so in syncs with each other we made our way to the front where Amy stood waiting for us. When we reached Amy she started to speak " today we witness a blessed friendship ceremony between vampire and wolf." Instantly whispers erupted through the crowd as anticipated. To try and settle the whispers I spoke up " I know this comes as a shock but we want peace between our people, we want a world where our children aren't burdened by death and expected to grow up as killers." As I finished Katrina adds on to what I said " Hannah and I want what is best for you and your kin so we have forgiven the mistakes of our ancestors and gather here today to create peace". It was silent after that and it was also easy to see who had accepted this and who hadn't. I knew when we got back home to our little village I would be questioned but I didn't care as long as we had peace and right now we needed to get on with the ceremony. Katrina and I turned towards each other and put our hands palm to palm in front of us. Amy put the sun necklace on me and the moon necklace on Katrina and said "with these pendants we show a loyal bond and friendship between Hannah of the werewolf and Katrina of the vampires, this bond can never be broken p, their pendants connect them both in in more ways then one and show as proof to everyone that this has happened here today, no one can go against it, may this bond create peace and may the angels recognize today's events". With that said she cast a spell and for just a few seconds our necklaces glowed and floated towards each other only just touching before falling which is when I felt the bond complete. We took a moment to let it sink in before turning back to our people telling them to carry on going about their day. Katrina and I walked back to Amy and thanked her for helping us achieve this peace today. After Amy left it was only Katrina and I at the lake site. We had just been eternally bonded so it only felt right to live up to the bond properly so we sat by the lake and talked and talked and talked and before we knew it the sun was already setting. It was time we went back to our people. I figured as her new eternal friend I should make sure she got home ok and that she was safe.
When we got to the mansion we promised to see each other for at least an hour everyday no matter what. She hugged me then we said our temporary goodbyes and I headed home looking forward to seeing her again tomorrow. 

That night when I finally got home it was only around 9pm so it was dark but the lights outside our homes kept it so everyone could stay up a little longer. I was making my way to my house at the top of the street when one of my people stopped me. A tall muscular, tanned skinned, blue eyed man stood in front of me trying to be intimidating by using his height and challenged me. I laughed in his face knowing he would lose then I accepted his challenge but not before saying "if your happy dying then yes". I understand that I have only been alpha for two days now and that he doesn't trust me or my intentions and decisions but what he was doing right now just proves he has a death wish.

I announced to everyone that I had been challenged and accepted so everyone instantly started setting up the ring we fight in. In the challenge you have three rounds of fighting, the first one is you have to be in human form, you can't show any wolf however you can use you wolf strength and you fight in hand to hand combat no weapons allowed. The second round you are in wolf form and again no weapons allowed. The third you can be in any form, you can't use any weapons but one of you has to die. You are not allowed any help from anyone other wise the challenge stops and you are sentenced to death along with the people or person that helped you. I know I'm going to win so I take my jacket off and got into the ring.

We both stand facing each other with an elder stood between us making sure all is understood. The elder counts "three, two, one" and the bell is rung. I instantly punched him straight in the jaw, then just as he was regaining composure I kicked him as hard as I could in the ribs and  was greeted its the pleasant sound of his ribs breaking. He was angry, really angry I could literally smell it radiating off him like a bad smell. I am so distracted by the smell I forget I'm supposed to be fighting this man until I felt his body smash into mine sending me to the floor. He hit me with so much force it has me gasping for air as I realize and need to fight back and fast. Not even a minute later I saw Katrina outside the ring. I know she has felt part of the pain i feel due to our bond and she probably thought I was in danger. However now she sees what's going on she knows she can not interfere as it what cost both our lives. All she can do is watch. Katrina being here supporting me making sure I'm safe gives me strength and determination so I attacked again and again until I was ripped off the bloodied up man in front of me. We were both given five minutes to drink and rest before round two. For those minutes I sat with Katrina as she spoke to me helped calm me and showed how she believes in me which helps me get through the next round without getting distracted or over emotive and losing control. The second round was easy for me it was all one sided I gotta couple cuts but he got more broken bones me bruised muscles and deep slashes, I'm surprised he hasn't begged for death yet. After the second round you get a ten minute break because by then you can normally tell who's going to win and it give them a chance to say goodbye to friends and family. I don't have to say goodbye to anyone I know I'm going to win and so does he but he does put up a decent fight. However he did end up dead and the strike that killed him was when I managed to get on his back in human form and I used my full length canines to rip the top of his spine out of his skin and then as I jumped off his back I grabbed onto the part of his spine that was open and tore it out of his back.

I was covered in his blood and mine I dropped his spine on the floor. I was done for the night so showing my red eyes and using my alpha voice I bellowed "does anyone else wish to challenge me and suffer the same fate". To my fortune no one else did and they bowed down before me. I step out the ring and speed walk to my house go to the bathroom get to my sound proof bedroom. I'm in a towel and I start o recall what happened. My breathing quickens and I start sweating, I can't control what's happening. I thought I was alone until I felt two arms wrap around my body. I know it's Katrina when she just whisper "it's okay I'm here you going to be okay" in my ear. She got me a vest and pajama shorts removing my towel and and dressing me I stood their silently crying the salty tears falling down my face into my mouth and onto the floor. I felt like time had just stopped. I had just killed a member of my pack. I can feel the pain of the rest of the pack and I'm just happy they can't feel mine. 

I'm still stood it's Katrina moving around me. I washed the blood off already but I can still see it, I feel like I'm drowning the sound around me is muffled my sight is blurry from all tears. I feel nothing but I also feel everything. I feel a breeze near me and realize Katrina is lighting all the candles in my room. In this moment there is no one else in the world that I trust more than her. She walked to me taking my hands in hers and walks me to the bed. She gets under the covers and helps me do the same. She laid on her back and rested my head on her chest , she wraps her arms around me protectively asking me feel safe like I'm in a bubble where nothing bad can get to me.  As I cried myself to sleep Katrina stroked my arm gently promising to stay with me tonight and not leave until I was okay.

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