Part 1

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Love is a fickle thing. Never enough for some. Not the right match. Not true love...

                                                                                                       I want to leave her. I love another.

I want to leave him. I love another.

                                                                                                                                      I want her...

I want him...

                                                                                                         But I am owned by another.

But not my heart....

I will be his...

                                                                                                                           She will be mine...

                               Even if it does cost us everything....


"Katniss Everdeen. Please step forward for your Reaped Match."

Effie Trinket announces.

I get up from my seat, and head up to the stage in front of the Justice Building. I don't look at the side with all my possible Reaped Match's. I look beyond the Square. I never really wanted today to be my day. But it is how the world is. I have to do this. It is the Law. When a woman is of age of 12, she must be put into a Tessera. The same goes for men. The trade off is for signing up, you get more food for your family. But, the more names you will have in the bowls for the Reaping. I signed up at age 12. I had to. My father was killed in an accident at his work in the coal mines. I was left alone to feed my family. My mother went into a dark place. And I couldn't bring her out of it. My sister, Primrose, was too young to go through this. I had to do something to keep us alive. I hunted illegally for food. But it was worth the price of being on watch by the Government. We made it through. Now we are all fed and alive. Maybe not thriving or well, but alive.

When a woman is 16, that is when she is to be Reaped to a match. Luckily for men, they can be as old as 18 to be Reaped. So I could be married to someone as old at 25. The Reaping age limits anyone younger than 16, and older than 25. I do not wish to be married to someone that old, but if it will keep my family alive, I will. I am only 16, my sister is only 12. She has to sign up. And I have to be married and sent to live with my new husband.

I see Effie walk over to the male bowl. She digs around for a moment or so, and then returns to the podium with a name.

"Gale Hawthorne, please step forward to be with your Reaped Match." Effie announces.

I look at Gale coming up to the stage. A bit of relief comes to me. He is someone I know, at least. My best friend. I wouldn't have thought I'd be so lucky. He smiles at me and takes my hand.

"Hey Catnip." He whispers to me.

"Hi." I say.

Effie opens the doors to the Justice Building and we enter. The Mayor has the paperwork and we both sign it. Gale gives me my ring, and I give him mine.

"For this Match to be final, a toast will need to be performed, in the presence of a Peacekeeper." Mayor Undersee explains.

"Of course, Mayor. We'll schedule the Toast." Gale says.

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