chapter 17:Because thats Gabby!

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Gabby POV:
I'm eight and a half months pregnant and we have everything prepared for baby G except the nursery,she won't be in there for a while as she will be in her bassinet beside our bed but since me and matt have nothing else to do until she is born we are going to decorate it.
We decided to keep all the walls white except one that had pink and white stripey wallpaper.Matt built all the furniture whilst i sat on a chair painting the lower half of the walls.I couldn't reach the top half and neither me or matt felt
comfortable with me getting up onto a ladder being heavily pregnant so we left that job to him.

Matt POV:
As i start to put up the wardrobe i realise i left my electric drill at the firehouse, i hopped into my truck and drove to get it, as i was about to leave squad,truck and ambo got a call about a women in labour. All the men were confused as to why the trucks got called to a birth, until Cruz shouts that they called out my address! Just then me and severide met eyes and i say 'because that's gabby'. I speed into my truck to get back to my apartment while all the emergency vehicles are behind me.I got back to the apartment and saw gabby on the floor with a puddle of water all around her, i knew she was definitely in labour then as her waters must of broke. Brett and Chout got gabby into the ambulance and i got in behind her. as we are on our way to med Gabby tells me that she is in a lot of pain and feels like she needs to push, Brett heard her and said that they will be at med in less than a minute and that she can't push yet.

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