Part 2

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I was finally starting to open up with Dr. Lisa, which means she knows more than anyone else in my life. That's really scary but deep down I knew this was helping me. I had told her the details of what happened but she still wanted me to share how I felt towards all of it, which I still couldn't do. I had no idea how to describe that because most of the time I didn't know how to feel about it. I keep having this flashbacks from that night and I just want it to go away, but she's always telling me that's not helpful and that I'll have to face those memories at some point.

 I was reading a book when I saw a tall figure come through the front door and walk my direction. He sits next to me and I can't help but smile when I recognize those hazel eyes. It became kind of a habit for us to talk before or after our appointments since they're always around the same time.

 " Hi." I say shyly when he smiles back at me.

 " Hey." He says as we keep looking into each other's eyes until I feel myself blushing and turn my head to the other side. I feel his hand in one of my braids so I turn back to look at him. " I like your hair like this."

 " Thanks." I feel like a high school girl for a moment. What happened to the sassy Camila who would date a lot of guys in college? That seemed to be an eternity ago.

 Before we can exchange any other word Dr. Lisa calls me, so I give him a smile and get up from my seat to follow her. I take my usual seat as she looks for a specific page on her notebook.

 " I see you and Shawn are getting along." She says looking up at me and smiling.

 " Yeah, he's really nice." I say not looking at her.

 " You said you didn't feel comfortable around guys after what happened. Is that the case with Shawn?"

 " Not at all. I feel so comfortable when I'm near him, I haven't felt that in so long." I say playing with my braids.

 " I think it's good for you to let people in, if you have a hard time doing that with your family maybe a friend can be a nice option." She says putting emphasis on the word 'friend'.

 " I'll keep that in mind." I say ignoring what she was implying.

 An hour later Shawn and I walk out of our appointments into the hallway at the same time. I almost bump into him but he holds me before we have an accident.

 " Sorry. I wasn't paying attention." I say looking up at him.

 " That's what I said that first day." He says not letting go of me.

 " Yeah, I guess we're both very clumsy people." I say making us both laugh.

 He finally let go of me and we walk outside. I look for my sister but she's not here yet, so I check my phone to see if she texted me. I see nothing so I decide to call her to make sure everything is fine. She doesn't answer but then I get a text from my mom saying her car broke down and dad is using his so no one could come pick me up.

 " Do you want me to wait here with you until your sister comes?" Shawn asks sitting next to me in one of the benches in front of the clinic.

 " Actually, do you think you can give me a ride?" I ask with hesitation.

 " Sure. Come on." He says taking my hand and walking me to his car.

 He turns the radio on as the car leaves the parking lot and Ed Sheeran's 'Perfect' starts to play. He starts singing quietly with the song and I join him at some point until we're both singing the lyrics together, but not so quietly anymore. We sing the last line looking at each other when he stops in a red light.

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