Part 5

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These last few weeks Shawn started to drive me to therapy as well, so he would always come by the diner to pick me up. He had also been to my house a couple of times, but today was the first time I would go to his since we were waiting for his dad to be home so I could meet him too. I thought at first that he didn't want to meet me but Shawn assured me that was not the case. His dad is the director of one of the biggest hospitals in Miami, so he was barely home. Shawn also told me Dr. Lisa had said amazing things about me to his dad, so he was actually very excited to meet me. We're now sitting in his car after therapy waiting for Aaliyah to come out of school, but she's taking forever so we end up making out at some point. Suddenly we hear a knock on the window glass so we pull away quickly to find Aaliyah rolling her eyes at us, waiting for Shawn to unlock the car so she can come in.

 " Seriously? I take just a few more minutes than usual and you guys are already devouring each other's faces." She says annoyed.

 " Sorry." I say laughing.

 " What took you so long?" Shawn asks starting the car. " It better not be another fight, you remember how dad reacted to that. "

 " Relax, the teacher was explaining an extra essay so I can get my grades up." She says opening her window. " And besides that the fight was totally worth it, that girl had it coming."

 " What happened anyways? I never got to hear the whole story." I ask turning on my seat so I'm looking at her in the back.

 " This new girl thinks she owns the place just because her parents are famous." She tells me giving me some details on how the girl was saying some bad things about her and her friends to everyone.

 " And Liyah doesn't really have the best temper." Shawn says paying attention to the road.

 " It sounds to me like she deserved it." I say agreeing with her.

 " See? Even Camila agrees with me. Why do you have to be on dad's side?" She asks Shawn.

 " Because I don't think anything has to be solved with violence and neither does dad. We never said she didn't deserve, but you could have tried to solve this in another way." He says in a serious tone that makes his sister groan in frustration.

 " You look so cute when you're trying to prove a point." I say kissing his cheek as he stops the car because of the traffic.

 " Get a room, you two!" Aaliyah says teasing us.

 Ten minutes later Shawn parks the car in front of a beautiful house that has glass windows everywhere, making it look very sophisticated. I'm so in awe looking at the house that Shawn comes open my door because I was taking too long. I take his hand and he helps me out of his jeep. As we get inside Aaliyah walks upstairs, leaving us alone in the huge living room.

 " Dad! We're home!" Shawn yells waiting for an answer.

 I hear footsteps in the hallway and then his dad enters the living room, he has traits similar to Shawn's but he's probably in his fifties.

 " Camila, this is my dad." Shawn says as his dad smiles at me.

 " It's really nice to meet you, sir." I say a little shy as he extends his hand for me to shake.

 " I'm so happy to finally meet you, Camila. Shawn can't stop talking about you, so I had to know this girl who let my son so mesmerized." He says making Shawn blush and me laugh at his reaction. " You were right, Shawn. She's gorgeous."

 " Thank you." I say blushing just like Shawn.

 " Lisa and Mark invited us for dinner tonight, why don't you come with us, Camila?" His dad asks me as Aaliyah comes downstairs.

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