Part 6

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[*Warning: a little bit of smut*]

A/N: I've never written smut in my life before this, so I'm feeling kind of awkward about it lol. However, I feel like it's necessary for where the story is going, I think it makes sense with the plot. If you don't like smut at all (even thought this one is very slight) and want to skip this chapter, you'll probably get lost in the story because like I said it's necessary for the plot.


Shawn's dad invited my parents for dinner last week so they could meet and it was really sweet to see how our families got along. Sometimes Shawn says he wished his mom was here to meet me, that she was going to love me. I could see how he missed her at small things in his life, and during dinner was not different. I knew his mom's death anniversary was coming because of Aaliyah and she also told me it was a hard day for all of them, but specially for Shawn, so I didn't question why he was so quiet after therapy earlier. We're now laying down on his bed and he's holding me like his life depends on it.

" I'm sorry for acting like this, it's still a hard day for me." He says playing with my fingers.

" You don't have to apologize, you have all the right to feel the way you are." I say looking up at him.

" Thank you for being here, I usually like to be by myself but it's nice to have you here by my side. It makes it all easier." He says kissing the side of my head.

" I brought something for you." I say getting up and walking to his desk, where I left my bag. " I asked my mom to make it since it's not that time of the year yet." I say as he sits down on the bed.

I take the small bowl and hand it to him, sitting down by his side. He opens it and the look on his face makes my heart warm.

" Pumpkin pie?" He asks smiling at me.

" I remember how you said it was her favorite, that she would bake it even when it wasn't Halloween or Thanksgiving." I say before kissing his shoulder.

He puts the bowl in the nightstand and hugs me really tight, then I hear him say something against my neck but I can't understand what it is.

" What?" I ask still hugging him.

" I said I love you." He says louder this time and then pulls away to look me in the eyes. " I love you, Camila."

" I love you too." I say smiling at him before he kisses me gently.

I think the pie eases Shawn's mood because he seems a lot happier after eating it. I know this will always be a difficult day for him but I want him to know that he can still go through it with good memories of his mom.

In the next few weeks I had put in my head that I was ready to have sex, but Shawn kept holding me back. He was afraid I was just trying to rush things and would end up frustrated if it didn't go how I was planning. It took me awhile but I was finally able to convince him, so that's why we find ourselves now alone in my house, more specifically in my bed.

" Are you really sure? I don't want to hurt you." He says as I take off my shirt, leaving me only in my bra and my bottoms.

" I'm not a virgin, Shawn. I haven't been for years, you're not going to hurt me." I say unbuttoning his jeans.

" You know that's not what I'm talking about." He says holding my hand before I can take off his pants.

" And you know I don't have an answer for that question. The only way to find out is trying." I say taking off my own pants since he stopped me from taking his off.

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