Part 4

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Shawn is driving me back to the diner after we got into the sea with our clothes on and we're soaking his car but he doesn't seem to care. He holds my hand the whole time while I'm wearing his hoodie, it smells like him so I don't think he'll get it back anytime soon. The car finally stops in front of the diner and he looks at me with those gorgeous hazel eyes and that perfect smile. He reaches for my hair, putting a lock behind my ear and then resting his hand on my cheek. I get chills by how intensely he's looking at me, first into my eyes, then my lips. Not being able to resist anymore, I close the space between us. Every kiss just feels better than the last, which makes it even harder to pull away. When we're finally able to do so he rest his forehead against mine but I keep my eyes closed. As I open it I see my sister in one of the windows smiling and watching us. I pull away from him and get out of the car, but as I'm walking to the front door I look back and can't resist to walk to his window to kiss him again. He holds my neck as I give him a last kiss and we both smile into the kiss. He gives me one last peck before I walk away and enter the diner, not even caring that my sister just saw everything. As she's about to say something my mom comes from the kitchen, so I give her a warning look because I know she's about to tease me in front of her.

 " When are you going to introduce us to your boyfriend, Mila?" She asks making my mom look at me.

 " I already told you he's not my boyfriend." I say putting my bag on the counter.

 " Those kisses I just saw you two sharing say otherwise." She says smirking at me.

 " That guy from therapy?" My mom asks excited.

 " Yes." Sophia answers her and then look back at me. " And why are your clothes soaking wet?"

 " We went to the beach." I say shyly. " And got into the water."

 " That's a cute date." My mom says smiling at me and I can't help but smile back.

 " He even gave you his hoodie, that's so sweet." My sister ads. " So, how was it? Is he a good kisser?" She asks sitting in a stool next to me as my mom comes closer also expecting me to give an answer. I roll my eyes and head back to the kitchen smiling a little because he's definitely an amazing kisser but I'm not telling them that. " Come on, Mila! Let me live through your love life since nothing happens in mine."

 I ignore her and go take a spare change of clothes to put on. I change my jeans and shirt to dry ones but keep Shawn's hoodie, I don't think I'll ever be able to take it off. I walk to the kitchen to help my dad and as I'm cutting some vegetables he says something I wasn't expecting.

 " I heard what you were talking to your sister out there." I don't know what to say. Even though I used to date a lot before, I never really introduced any of those guys to my dad. I don't think we even had a single conversation about my dating life during this whole time. " Does he know?"

 " Yes." I answer quietly knowing exactly what he's referring to.

 " You should bring him here sometime." He says making me look at him with a surprised expression. " I know you think I don't pay enough attention to you but I noticed how he's always driving you here after your sessions and how you seem more happy lately. I want to meet this guy who was able to make you smile after everything you've been through."

 " Okay." I say as tear rolls down my face and walk to him. I hug my dad in a way I haven't done in such a long time. " I love you, dad. I'm so sorry if this whole thing made me distance myself from you."

 We keep hugging until my mom comes in to put some dirty plates in the sink and ask for my help to do something outside. The rest of the day passes with Sophia teasing me and trying to get informations on Shawn's kissing skills.

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