Part 9

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This past month has been so incredible, even though I'm scared what happened last month could happen again, I feel like I'll be way more prepared if it actually does. I know that I earn the credits for my healing but I still can't help but think that Shawn is the main reason behind it. I'm not saying I'm healing because of him, but he for sure gave me the strength and motivation to do so.

I've been trying to teach him how to cook, but since I'm also kind of a disaster in the kitchen it's not going that well. He's planning to move out of his house to a small apartment next to the university when our classes start, that's why I thought it would be a good idea for him to learn how to cook at least some basic stuff. He was going to stay in a college dorm, but his dad insisted on paying for a place outside campus. I'll keep living with my parents and take the bus to campus, since they can't afford for me to stay inside campus.

 " Is this right?" Shawn asks me looking inside one of the pans in the stove.

 " Yeah, just keep mixing it." I say as I keep trying to teach him some simple recipes. " Are you excited to see Brian tomorrow?"

 " Yes, I don't see him since Christmas." He says looking at me and almost burning the food in the process. I'm able to save it in the end and even though it looks horrible, it tastes amazing.

 Shawn's best friend from Canada, Brian, is coming to Miami tomorrow with his girlfriend. They'll stay at his house, apparently he always comes to town during summer, but this time he'll bring this girl that Shawn doesn't know yet.

 " What's her name again?" I ask as we eat.

 " Alessia, they met in january. I've never seen him with a girl for so long, so he must really like her." He says still in shock that Brian was able to be with the same girl for seven months.

 They arrive next morning and Shawn pick them up in the airport as I work in the diner with my mom. Later he brings them here to meet me and eat something, and I can say I already like both of them. Brian is the life of the party, he's always telling jokes and has so much energy. Shawn is way more quiet, so I can see why they work well as friends. Alessia is the sweetest girl I've ever met, but she can also be very funny and I can tell her and Brian are a great match. After Sophia comes to the diner my parents say I can leave, so Shawn drives us all to a small beach near his house that we've been a couple of times. Both Brian and Alessia seem fascinated by it because they don't go to the beach that often, and I start to think how surreal that sounds to me since I was born and raised here. I can't imagine not having the beach to run to when I feel overwhelmed by life.

 " I love how you go somewhere else in your mind every time you come to the beach." Shawn says holding me from behind and placing a kiss on my cheek.

 " This was the thing I missed the most when I was in New York." I say resting my head against his chest as we watch Brian and Alessia throwing water at each other. " I love the feeling of the sand on my feet and the wind on my face."

 When it starts getting dark we go back to his house and I follow him to his room so we can take a shower, since we're soaking wet after getting in the water with our clothes on, as they go to a guest room to do the same. I started to leave some underwear and a few pair of clothes in his house since I'm here all the time, so that's very useful right now. I look for a dress I left here last week in his drawer as he walks inside the bathroom. He doesn't close the door but I can hear the shower running, so I'll take that as an invitation. I walk inside closing the door behind me and I can see his wet clothes in the ground, so I take mine off as well. I open the glass to find Shawn with his back facing me as the water rolls down his body, then I take a few steps and wrap my arms around him, leaving a kiss on his back. He turns around to kiss me and we end up making out under the shower for a while. We wash each other's hair and then leave the bathroom with towels wrapped around our bodies. When we finally make our way downstairs, Shawn's dad is cooking something in the kitchen while Brian, Alessia and Aaliyah talk sitting down at the table.

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