Part 7

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[*Smut warning*]

A/N: I decided I want to practice my smut writing skills, so here we are again. If you want to skip the smut I indicated where it begins and where it ends.

I feel the sun on my face and the wind on my hair as I stand with my eyes closed, my feet buried in the sand and the sound of the waves on my ears. I love to come to the beach to just breathe and think about things, it's very relaxing. I feel two arms wrap around me and a kiss on my cheek so I open my eyes quickly turning my body around.

" Shawn! You scared me. What are you doing here?" I ask confused before giving him a kiss.

" Sorry, I was going to the diner but I saw you here before I got in." He says looking at me. " I have some news."

" What do you mean?" I ask curiously.

" Guess who's going to be a music major at The University of Miami in three months?" He asks with excitement in his voice.

" What about your dad?"

" He changed his mind. I knew he would come around." He says smiling hard.

" Shawn, this is amazing." I say jumping in his arms and lucky for me he catches me just in time. " I'm so happy for you."

" Actually I wanted to ask you something too." He says still holding me but I can sense the nervousness on his voice. " Did you ever considered trying a transfer from NYU to here?"

I stay silent for a moment not really knowing what to say. I guess I never considered it because NYU have always been my dream university, but after what happened I don't think I could ever feel comfortable there again. It would make sense for me to study here in Miami, my family is here and I don't want to be apart from Shawn.

" I know you might not be ready to go back to college yet and I'm not saying this just because I want you close to me. I just think it's a nice option if you decide you're not comfortable enough to come back to New York." He says looking away from me.

" It's a good idea, I'll think about it." I say smiling at him.

I take his hand on mine and intertwine our fingers guiding him to the diner at the other side of the street. As we get inside I see my mom looking at us smiling, so we walk to her and Shawn hugs her. She loves him and sometimes even take his side on conversations instead of mine, which is really sweet. He tells her the news about him going to college and she's super excited, just like my dad who overheard from the kitchen and came out to congratulate him. I love that my parents like Shawn, even though my dad has been a little skeptical with him lately. He walked on us early this week in the middle of a heavy make out session that was about to lead to something else. It was honestly the most embarrassing moment of my life, I can't even look at him without remembering his face when he caught us. He didn't tried to talk to us about it and decided to ignore what he saw, which I'm grateful for, but I can still see him looking suspiciously at Shawn. I don't know what he expected, I'm twenty, of course I would have sex with my boyfriend.

We actually haven't had sex itself, we've done everything else though, so I feel like I've been ready for awhile now. So the next day we're laying in his bed and I decide to tell him what's been on my mind for the past week.

" Shawn?"

" Yeah?" He says playing with my hair.

" I'm ready." I say making him look at me. " This time I don't think so, I know for sure."

He stays silent for a long time, so I don't know if he's about to convince me otherwise or not, but I can tell there's something on his mind.

" This has been on my mind for a while but I didn't say anything in case I changed my mind, but the more I waited to tell you the more sure I was. I'm so comfortable around you and with you touching me, I know I'm ready." I say holding his face on my hand. " And if you're still insecure about me having more experience than you, that's honestly bullshit and all these things we've been doing this last month prove that."

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