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*Tobias' PoV*

Tris takes off her jacket, because Christina keeps asking her about my real name. Tris might need her layers for later... and she is sacrificing them for me. "New rule: you can't ask the same question over and over again, if they refused to answer." No one votes against, nor with, I don't think they want to see her (to them: Stiff) stripped. Tris dares Zeke, and it was simple, wrap toilet paper around him like an Egyptian mummy, (which Will gives facts about. "Only the Pharaohs would be mummified," and "Pharaohs are Egyptian Kings and Queens," also "we do not have Kings and Queens, Chris, we are a Democracy." A/N: Classic Will.)

Zeke gives Shauna a dare, which she finds simple (7 minutes in Heaven with him. Why the heck would you give your girlfriend a dare, which is supposedly torturous, and make her do 7 minutes in Heaven?) When they come out, Shauna asks for my real name, I again make up a fake one. "Thyestes Eaton," which is good, for quick thinking. But I realize something, I included my real surname. I included the thing I tried to avoid the most. I bite my inner lip, and so does Tris. Christina barrows her eyes at us, and stares, disbelieving. "What's wrong, Candor?" I say, the 'Four' part of me showing. "Nothing, I just believe that ain't your real name."
"If it weren't, I'd have to take off an article of clothing."
"You are biting your lip, and so is Tris, so you are obviously keeping something from us."
"Fine," I sigh, and remove my shirt. "Happy?" I ask, sarcastically, to Candor - I mean - Christina. "Not really, but it'll do," she replies, in the same tone I used.

"Tris, C or D, Stiff." Zeke slurs, he has had 5 beers in the last hour. Tomorrow he will be nursing a major hangover, and so will Shauna (she's drunk, too.) "D, you're drunk, you won't gimme a good dare," she says, boldly, and Zeke asks for my real name. Tris goes to remove her shirt when I snap. "Tobias Eaton! You guys happier know you know?" I shout at them, because Tris would have removed her tank-top, and been in her bra. I wouldn't let that happen. My outburst was unnecessary, which causes me to be embarrassed. I am not the perfect Abnegation my father beat me so I would be. Well, that didn't work, did it? I roll my eyes, and leave, everyone's jaws hanging open. "Close your mouths, you are gonna catch flies." I say, before I storm out. Maybe I am a little Stiff, I sacrificed my privacy, so Tris would have her top for later. I make my way to the chasm.

When I reach the chasm, the desire to jump is gone, rather it is replaced with a emotion most would call sorrow. "Four?" A soft voice comes from behind me, and I turn to face Tris. Tris, who is beautiful, just standing there, her blue eyes bright, and blonde hair glimmering. "Hey," is all I can say. She smiles, and stands next to me, wrapping her hand in mine. I stare at her, and realize that 3 weeks ago, today, we had our first kiss, in this spot. We stare at the waves, crashing against the hard stone of the walls of the chasm. I flashback to when I visited my father, telling him about the planned attack, which he believes Max sent me, and he disbelieves me, ignorantly. I wonder when the attack will happen.

Hello everyone!
Unfortunately this is the end... of the story. I hope you enjoyed, and if you have read every bit of this, I would like to thank you, for your support. Without everyone, I wouldn't have done this. I am gonna say these for the last time in the story.
A: I love you all so much!
B: Be brave.
C: Stay Alive.
ChoosingAblaze. (12 April 2020)

I am proud to announce that Part 2 is officially released! Hope you enjoyed the story if you did, please press on the star!
ChoosingAblaze. (27 April 2020)

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