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I kind of headcannon that Tweek is best friends with Wendy and the girls and they invite him to sleepovers and their parents are okay with it


"Okay Cartman what the fuck are we doing in front of Wendy's house?" Kyle let out a groan as the boys hide behind the bushes. All of the boys in the class were there minus Tweek and Jimmy. Jimmy was working on his standup and Tweek was at his parent's coffee shop. Cartman took out his binoculars and glared at the house in front .

"Spying on the girls. Wendy has something of mine and is going to show it off at this sleepover."

Stan frowned. "Dude leave my girlfriend alone." Cartman rolled his eyes then started to take a look through the binoculars.

"If this is just going to be spying on girls I'm leaving." Craig sighed and got up.

"Noo Craig stay! We need you here." Clyde let out a whine as he tugged on the blue jacket's sleeve. Tolkien looked at Clyde and let out a irritated sigh like a mother.

"Dude you guys are just spying on girls what's going to be so interest-"

"No way.." Cartman gawked and took another look through the binoculars.

Kyle looked at the fatboy next to him. "What?"

"Check it out, Kahl." Cartman shoved the binoculars at him. Kyle took a look and passed them to Stan keeping his mouth shut with wide eyes.

"What! How come Tweek is there. I'm never invited to Wendy's house and I'm her boyfriend." Stan frowned and took another look through the binoculars.

Craig perked up at Tweek being mentioned. He snatched the binoculars and took a look himself.

His boyfriend was there laughing with the girls in a circle. His twitchy spazz of a boyfriend at a girls sleepover.

"I've just gained respect for Tweek I thought I'd never get." Cartman broke the silence. "Getting into a girl's sleepover.. nice."

"Mmph." [nice.] Kenny added with a nod.

"Fellas I think we should get out of here-"  Butters fiddled with his fingers as he looked at the boys.

"Shut it Butters we have to stay a little while longer." Cartman barked at him.

Craig was still shocked. He took a few seconds before gaining his blank expression back. He looked at the others. "I'm calling Tweek."

Kyle looked at him. "No you can't then he'll know where we are."

"I don't care." Craig took out his phone dialing in Tweeks number.

Clyde took the binoculars from Craig and watched the window.

--  Tweek

My phone vibrated in my jean pocket. Oh god what if it's a stalker calling me waiting for a chance to get me alone so they can attack me! I looked over at the girls. Wendy was on the bed laying down with Bebe, complaining about Stan while Bebe joined in about Clyde being a total baby all the time. Red Heidi and Nichole were on the other side of the bed playing truth or dare not wanting to talk about their relationships.

I took my phone out chewing on my bottom lip. I twitched anxiously relaxing after seeing the photo of Craig sleeping appear. I smile answering the call laying down on the bed.

"Nn- Hey Craig." I tried to keep my voice low as possible to not alert the girls about the call. As soon as I speak up the girls looked at with a smirk before going on with whatever they're doing. They're obviously going to eavesdrop.

"Hey Honey," my cheeks warmed up at the nickname and I smiled. "I was wondering where you were so I could come see you." I swore I heard a faint muffled sound in the background followed with a shut up. Heidi smiled at what Craig said giving a small aww. I looked at Wendy for advice on what to say causing her to mouth to lie.

I never did like lying. That was way too much pressure what if I screw up and accidentally tell the truth. Causing everyone to hate me completely! No way man!

"Uh Tweek? Babe are you still there?"
I must've been silent for too long. Oh no what if he thinks I hate him now oh god that is way too much pressure.

"Uh! Nn yeah! Just thinking.. and um I'm at the uuh mall." I push my phone closer to my ear.

"You're at the mall at 9 pm? I thought it was closed already." I looked at the clock then at the girls.

"Oh Gah! You're right! I meant I was at the uh um.." I paused and covered my microphone. "Wendy?" I whisper. She shakes her head and looks at the others.

"Say you're at the shop with me." Heidi offered. I nodded and uncovered my microphone.

"I'm with Gah! Heidi at the coffee shop just hanging out-" A shout outside made me jump and shriek. Letting go of my phone causing it to fall down. Bebe giggled at me causing the rest to join in including me.

"Babe?" Craig's voice was muffled by the floor and I reached for my phone. I picked it up and frowned. "Hello?"

"Craig nn did you hear that scream?" I questioned him as I looked at the girls then at the window.

Red let out a sigh pointing out that there seems to be people watching us

"Yeah that was just Clyde being a dumbass. Sorry." I paused before looking back at the girls then outside. There seemed to be figures outside in the bushes. My mind went on a race with it self before it clicked. It was like 4th grade where we dressed Butters up like a girl and sent him to Heidi's sleep over. 

"...Craig where are you." I heard whispering on the other line.

"Uh home with stripe." I raised an eyebrow.

"Nn then why do I see you I front of Wendy's house with everyone else." Craig looked up at the window and I waved slowly. The figures seemed to panic as the door of the house opened. Wendy's dad stepping out and walking across the other side yelling. The figures scattered the largest figure which I guess is Cartman struggling to run.

Total 1036 words

Honestly this is cringe but it'll do

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