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Tweek Tweak loved his boyfriend. Everything about him made butterflies in his stomach. He used to freak out every time they were close. It took a while for Tweek to get comfortable but once he did. He didn't regret anything especially the fight they had in 3rd grade which drew the two closer. He didn't regret with agreeing on fake dating only for them to confess their crushes on each other a month in. Remembering all the moments alone they had made Tweek smile.

Speaking of Craig. Lately he has been distant. Having the box on his head most of the time. Not speaking to Tweek as much as he used to. His texts became more short. Tweek didn't mind thinking Craig just needed some space. It's been going on for three weeks.

Today, Tweek Tweak is confronting his boyfriend.

Craig Tucker sat in his room playing Minecraft. He had stripe on his lap and he was living the dream. No other noises disturbing the peace other than the groaning of monsters in the game. He liked the moments when he was alone much better than being with someone else. He loved his friends and family but he found them too annoying to relax with. His boyfriend on the other hand, is fun to relax with once he's the first one to relax.

Being snapped out of his thoughts, Craig heard the front door open and close.  "Hello Tweek. Craig's up in his room with that rat of his." His mother told the visitor and Craig frowned at the word rat. He shut down his Xbox and picked Stripe up. He put Stripe in her cage and fed her. 

The stairs creaked as Craig looked at the door knowing his boyfriend is coming.  He sighed and sat down on his blue beanbag picking up his phone. A knock before the door opened. A blonde mess of hair poked inside. Vibrant blue eyes peered inside. The door opened more and Tweek moved inside.

"Hey- gn Craig," He sounded nervous. The boy looked up from his phone acknowledging him. "I came to talk uhm.."


Tweek inhaled sharply and took fist fulls of his shirt. He pulled on the buttons as he opened his mouth. The words coming out caused Craig to freeze his movement. "I- I can't keep doing this Gnnah! I need to know what's wrong Craig! You're becoming so distant I don't know what's wrong! Did I do something wrong?" His blue eyes darted around the room looking at anything but the other pair of eyes.

Craig put down his phone raising up to his feet. He didn't respond making Tweek twitch anxiously. The taller boy walked over to him and wrapped his arms around the shorter's torso. Automatically Tweek hugged back shoving his face into Craig's shoulder.

Silence filled the room as the boys hug each other tightly. Craig pulled away first. He looked at the blue eyes he loved so much before placing his forehead against his. "Tweek. You don't have to worry about me. I'm fine. I just wanted some space. I don't want to always be with you. We both need some time apart to live our lives. We can't always be with each other. It gets tiring."

The blonde took a while soaking the words in before nodding. He opened his mouth to say something only to get cut off.

"I'm not saying I don't love anymore. And I'm not saying I want to break up. I'm saying we should pause this relationship. I love you but I can't always be giving you attention. I also need to give myself time." Craig kept his eyes on Tweek seeing how he reacted. Tweek just gave a nod and looked at Craig.

" I understand Craig.. Can I still come to see Stripe?" Craig gave him a crooked smile.

"Of course." Tweek smiled back.

The two sat on the bed and played with Stripe until it was time for Tweek to leave.


"Goodbye Craig." Tweek twitched and smiled sweetly at the boy.

"Goodbye Tweek." Craig nodded watching the boy walk away.


685 words

Short but sweet I guess

I have so many drafts of stories that I have to finish
good day

Headcannon corner-
Tweek and Craig took a break in their relationship after the whole Buddha Box situation so Tweek can become more independent

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