wait you knew?

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Craig brought a red plastic cup up to his lips as he glanced around. He hadn't bumped into the blonde birthday boy at all since he entered the house. He was stuck with making sure Clyde didn't drink too much. Thomas was supposed to be there to make it easier but the dirty blonde had ditched the noirette to talk with Kyle in a corner. Craig let out sigh as he watched over his dumb friend trying to flirt with the host of the party.

Tweek had decided to stick to Kenny to avoid the chullo wearing noirette. The freckled blonde didn't question it finding the company nice. After making fun of everyone drunkenly dancing both of them moved outside to find a quieter spot. Tweek sat down on one of Bebe's lawn chairs taking the bottled water from Kenny's hand. Kenny watched him take a long gulp from the bottle before speaking up. "What's up?" Tweek stayed silent. "Is this about your soulmate? Don't tell me you don't have one."

"Nng, I have one, it's just-"  Tweek cut himself off as he chewed on his lip gently. Kenny frowned at his words before reaching over and placing a hand on his shoulder. Tweek sighed and continued. "I feel like I'll disappoint him. Like he's been waiting for his soulmate and he takes one look at me and decides I'm not good enough. Then he's off to run away to Peru with Micheal. And I'll be soulmate-less wasting away in my room! I don't want to die alone Kenny!"

Ken gave him a look of confusion as he took in Tweek's rant. He shook his head after a pause and smiled. "Okay, Tweek I can fully reassure no one would think you're not good enough. You're like one of the cutest boys at school. Who wouldn't want you?" Tweek frowned, believing that Kenny was just making it up to make him feel better. "And, this is about Tucker isn't it?"

Tweek opened his mouth to argue before shutting it and sighing with a nod. He crossed his arms. Kenny gave him a big grin before clapping his hands together. "You have nothing to worry about, man! Craig will be literally all over you when he finds out you're his soulmate. Even if you can't see it, Tucker has eyes for you only. Since fourth grade."

Tweek scrunched his nose up with a frown. "No he doesn't, Agh! He-" He paused briefly to think. "He likes Thomas." Kenny let out a laugh and moves himself to lean into the armrest of the plastic lawn chair.

"Tweek sweetheart you're blind. You two dated in fourth grade until fifth. He's still hung up on you. Don't know what the hell happened in sixth grade between you guys but he still likes you." Tweek bit the inside of his cheek as he listened. "I can prove it to you too." Tweek shook his head not wanting to embarrass the cold asshole of the highschool. "Suit yourself. Speaking of Tucker, there he is." Tweek went wide eyed at the noirette dragging his chubby brunette best friend outside.

As if he was called, Craig turned to look a the two blondes. Kenny gave him a wink and Tweek looked away. "Looks like Donovan had a tough night!" Kenny shouted at the two. Poor Clyde was hunched over in Bebe's flowers puking out his lunch. Craig seemed to tell the boy something before walking over to them.

"I told him to not drink that much." The boy's monotone voice made Tweek shiver with the reminder he needed to tell Craig about the soulmate situation.

Kenny smiled looking at the blonde then at the noirette. "Sounds like someone is calling me, I'll be back coffee bean and fucker." The boy in the orange sweater ruffled Tweek's blonde curls before running off.

Awkward silence came in between the two with only soft music in the background. Craig reached at the back of his neck scratching it as he broke the quiet. "Uhm, Happy birthday, Tweek." Tweek nodded giving him a thanks. Both of them avoided eye contact as Tweek stood up.

"Nngh, um, Craig. I have something to tell you about um. Agh- my um.." Craig looked unbothered as Tweek continued to ramble. "You know how when your 16 and you, agh, get your soulmate-"

"I'm your soulmate." Craig cut him off. Tweek blinked a couple of times before letting out a shout.

"How do you know! Did Kenny tell you!? Wait no that doesn't Aghh!!" Tweek chewed on his nails as he rambled off  about all the suspects of who told Craig about his soulmate.

Craig placed a hand on Tweek's wrist nudging his hand away from his face. The noirette placed both of his hands on the blonde's face. Craig had pink dusting his cheeks as he leaned in pressing a kiss onto Tweek's lips.

A surprised and quiet Tweek Tweak was then present as Craig pulled back after a few seconds. "Just so you know." The monotone boy paused bringing his hands down to his sides again. "I'm older than you by a couple of months. I thought you knew already." The noirette grabbed his dark blue sleeve and brought it up to show the blonde his soulmate tattooed into his forearm. Tweek Tweak  marked into the skin of Craig Tucker.

Tweek felt himself stare at the words in disbelief. The only word coming out of his mouth being "Oh." He soaked the words up quickly. Realizing that his soulmate kept him in the dark for months until his birthday.

Tweek felt his cheeks burn up before bringing his fist up and punching the  boring coldstone asshole Craig Tucker in the arm. "ASSHOLE! Nnggh! Why didn't you tell me! Ugh! I thought you were going hate me!" Craig let out a quick ow rubbing the spot with Tweek hit. Craig cracked a rare smile before chuckling.

"You were worried about what I thought about you?" Craig's own cheeks were red the same with Tweek's. The blonde turned redder before stuttering out.

"F-fuck off! I got worried man! I already thought you guys kind of hated me because of what happened in sixth grade nghh!" Tweek frowned and crosses his arms. The taller by two inches fought himself to not burst out laughing.

"You thought I hated you because of something I did?" Tweek groaned and glared at him.  Craig tried his best to not bend over laughing. He showed off his mouth of metal as he brought the blonde into a hug. Dropping a couple of kisses on the shorter's head.

Tweek felt himself snuggle into his chest. "I still don't forgive you for keeping me in the dark about being your soulmate." The blonde looked up at him with a frown. Craig leaned down and kissed his nose.

"I'm sorry babe. I didn't want to freak you out." Tweek blushed at the pet name before rolling his eyes.

"You would have saved me from dating Kenny." Craig chuckled before pausing.

"You dated Kenny?" Tweek cringed at the words.

"Worst two week of my life. We felt better as friends than boyfriends. Speaking of which.."

"Yes Tweek I'll be your boyfriend." Craig grabbed the blonde's hand. Tweek squeezed his hand giving the taller a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Want to break the news to the school that the asshole Craig Tucker got a weird boyfriend named Tweek Tweak?" Craig gave him a nod.

The two walked hand in hand inside. Craig took the microphone from Heidi who was singing karaoke. Announcing that Tweek's soulmate was indeed himself Craig Tucker. Loud whoops echoed the room as students handed over dollar bills to eachother. Seems like they bet on their soulmates. Seeing how Eric Cartman had a few stacks of money in his pockets, Craig's parents would've ended up chili if he had lost. Kenny clapped the loudest and went to wrap an arm around Tweek and tell him a big "Told ya."


1335 words

I wrote this while half asleep Im Soo sorry for not updating this book for like 3 months.

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