I think Im gay dude

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In third grade Craig and Tweek were tricked into fighting each other. Tweek got into boxing while Craig took sumo classes. They both landed in the hospital with equal amount of bruises from each other. They were pretty pissed off at Stan's group after they found out they were tricked. It put Craig and Tweek on a truce of not making fun of the other to make sure this fight wouldn't happen again. They both left third grade with different opinions of the other.

Craig thought Tweek took drugs and was a cool person once he was off the coffee for a while.

Tweek thought Craig was a big asshole on the outside but once he heard him talk about Stripe. He thought the boy was just a big softie having a hard time.


At ten years, Craig and Tweek were pressured into a gay relationship. They agreed they would fake a break up only for it to go downhill with Tweek's excellent acting skills. After that mess they decided to pretend to be in a relationship for a while to keep everyone off their asses.


Two years into the fake relationship, the two had became closer than ever. To each other they were best friends and would stop anything if the other needed them. The town was slowly forgetting their relationship but would still point them out when they had the chance.

Tweek had terrifying thoughts about Craig. Well, they were terrifying to him. Thankfully he was friends with the girls. He told them all about the fake relationship. He also shared that he was starting to see the little things about Craig. Also how his heart would beat extremely fast around him. They all told him he had a crush on Craig and he denied it. Tweek told them,

"My feelings, Gah!, For Craig are strictly platonic!"

The girls all rolled their eyes and whispered to each other.


Tweek came out as gay at fourteen. Cartman made fun of him for it causing PC principal to watch over him for a month. Craig was surprised. He always thought his fake boyfriend was straight but at the same time he kind of saw it coming.

On Christmas, Craig was waiting for Tweek to end his shift at his parent's coffee shop. He didn't notice the mistletoe taped on the doorframe. It was snowing outside and Craig wore an extra sweater that day. Tweek came out and Craig walked towards him. They both paused at the door and hugged each other.

Sharing an awkward "Merry Christmas." They both laughed and we're inteurpted by Clyde who squealed loudly. The duo looked at their friend in confusion before looking at where he was pointing. A mistletoe hung above them and Tweek stared at it in fear. While Craig didn't think of it too much. He leaned down and gave Tweek a peck on the lips. 

Craig didn't think much of it until late at night. While to Tweek it might the world even if it was just a small kiss.

Craig joined the baseball team while Tweek entered a boxing tournament and theatre. The duo had their schedules filled but they somehow found time for each other.

Meeting up before Craig's games or showing up at the plays Tweek was in. They cheered each other on always. Craig was secretly gaining a crush on the blonde but he dismissed it blaming it on puberty. Meanwhile Tweek began to crush on someone else, Kenny McCormick. He told Craig about this, who wasn't happy but didn't show it.

On the last day of eighth grade they promised each other to be best friends always.


That's when Craig realized he was fucked. He was in love with Tweek Tweak. They broke up the fake relationship due to Tweek gaining the crush on Kenny and everyone seemed to move on from them. They still hung out with each other.

Tweek still boxes but sees it as a hobby. He is thinking of persuading a career in musical theatre. Everytime he wins a boxing match he celebrates with Craig at his house.

Craig was thinking of being an astronaut. Either way he knew he wanted a life with Tweek in the picture. He invites Tweek over at his house to stargaze on the roof. Tweek would stare at the stares and Craig would look at him.

It all went downhill once Tweek asked Kenny out. He said yes and the two spend time with each other more than Craig and Tweek. Craig had to admit he was jealous but he couldn't control Tweek and what he did. He stargazed by himself and Tweek celebrated wins with Kenny than him.


On Craig's seventeenth birthday Tweek hugged him and gave him a telescope. After the party was over the two hung out in Craig's room where Craig couldn't take it anymore. He invited the blonde up on his roof one last time.

The two laid together on a blanket.

"Hey Tweek,"

"Mhm? Yeah Craig?"

"I think I'm gay," Tweek looked at him confused.


"I think I'm gay for you." Craig repeated looking into Tweek's eyes. The blonde could only stare at the noirette next to him.

Craig moved closer to his face. Both of the boys stared at each other before Craig closed his eyes and leaned in.

Tweek pulled away quickly and was loss for words. The only thing he could spit out was Craig's name. After a large amount of silence Craig mumbled "Sorry" to Tweek who stared at him.

Tweek forced Craig to look at him and kissed him. The two stayed on the roof until the morning. Craig was half asleep and he tried to climb down into his window to find it closed. He fell down landing on the bushes below him. He broke his arm and Tweek blamed himself for what happened. The two became inseparable again doing everything with each other.


Craig asked Tweek out almost immediately after he was informed by Kenny that they broke up years ago. Tweek told him he thought they have been dating since the roof incident. They moved in an apartment together and bought another guinea pig for Stripe.

The two attended Universities in Denver and took turns driving each other to the campus.


1056 words

Now that I finished this I'm thinking I should've added the metrosexual phase, but I guess everyone would rather forget about how they acted during that.

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