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Tweek was laying on Wendy's bed. He was looking at the ceiling tapping his stomach nervously. Wendy sighed and looked at him. "Tweek, I know it sucks to break up with someone but--"

"We weren't dating" He blurted out suddenly. Wendy looked at him surprised. "We- We weren't actually dating.. it was just for the sake of the town's happiness and for the money people gave us. We didn't really like each other! It was just an act!" Wendy looked at him with a hard stare. "I'm being serious! It's not just some messed up coping system to get over Craig!"

Wendy just gaped at him. "B-but I saw you two kiss- multiple times!"


"Seriously?? What about all the dates you guys went, stark's pond??"

 "Just an act, Wendy!" 

"You two carved each other's initials into a tree with a heart" 

"Friends do that all the time, not that deep." 

Wendy got up from the bed and walked around. "So you're telling me, out of the six years you two have been together- none of it was real and you two aren't gay?" 

"What? No we are gay- just not- for each other. How hard is this to understand??" Tweek groaned and sat up to look at Wendy. Wendy just shook their arms around. 

"It's just a tiny bit hard to believe that a fake six year relationship did not make both of you fall head over heels for each other. " Tweek rolled his eyes. "Like seriously! Did you not see the softness in Craig's eyes or- or how sweet you two are with each other?? Or the giant hearts appearing in both of you guy's eyes when you two were next to each other??" 

"What? There was no hearts in our eyes, Wendy stop lying-" Tweek shook his head. Wendy just looked at him in disbelief. 

"It's also hard to believe you did it for the sake of the town's happiness because none of us other than Eric Cartman cares that you two are broken up right now!!" Wendy points an accusing finger at Tweek. " AND to add to that did you ever ask Craig if you two stopped the whole fake dating scheme??" Tweek bit his lip nervously and looked away. "You didn't did you!!" 

"I just assumed we were because-" Wendy interrupts him quickly. 

"I knew it! Tweek! You have to be kidding me, six years! Six years of "fake" dating! It probably wasn't fake to Craig! have you seen that guy's acting?? It's shit!" Tweek winced and gnawed on his lip. "Why did you even break up with him?! Your guy's relationship was better than anyone in this awful town!"

"Ughh!! Wendy! Stop talking! I broke up with him! Even if it wasn't fake for him or- if he really liked me he wouldn't take me back so stop planning whatever you are planning right now!" Tweek pulled on his hair and Wendy sighed. He falls back down on the bed and crushes a pillow into his face. He mumbles something in it.

"What was that? I didn't hear you Tweek?" Wendy leans in to hear what he said more clearly.  He just continued to mumble it into the pillow.  "Tweek I seriously can't understand a single word-"

Tweek sat up quickly and removed the pillow off his face. He blurts out quickly,"I WAS SCARED! I didn't want to hold him back anymore than I already did! We've been together for- SIX years. SIX! Fake or not we were in fourth grade when we started being together and- and he stayed with me no matter what! He could've been doing so much more than being with me-! and- I had to he- was ruining his future with keeping me next to him and-". He started sniffling wiping away the snot coming out his nose with his shirt's sleeve. "I didn't want to, but it- was for the best Wendy." Tweek looked at his friend who was looking at him with soft eyes. "I- regret it so much, Wendy I like him too. Probably even love him. I can't believe he out of everyone got stuck with. me." He looked down at his lap and frowned.

"Would you rather have anyone else stuck with you?" Wendy questioned him. 

Tweek let out a wet laugh, "Absolutely not." He wiped a few tears from his eyes. "You know, when me and Craig first met it was for that stupid fight in third grade.. I remember it like it was yesterday. Stan and Kyle came to my house and told me Craig challenged me to a fight. They made up so much lies to get us to fight each other!" He laughed, Wendy just nodded even though they already know all of this because she was there. "That night in the hospital we ended up watching red racer together. Turns out he liked it too. His favorite was red racer obviously even though blue racer was better. We argued that whole night about them." Tweek pulled his legs to his chest and sighed. "I would've never guessed then that the kids ass I totally kicked was going to be my boyfriend for the next six years. Everyone said he was an asshole that cared about no one, but I didn't see that Craig. I saw the Craig that cared. Who fussed over Clyde like a total mom that one time. The Craig who made sure everyone was dressed up and fashionable for the metrosexual faze. The Craig who picked up Stripe with such care and love. The Craig who had everything organized for our dates. The Craig who made sure everything was perfect for us..." 

Tweek didn't even notice Wendy had sat next to him and had wrapped an arm on his shoulders. He leaned into her more as he talked about Craig and only Craig for the next two hours.  Wendy just sat there and listened. Giving a few comments here and there. They let Tweek continue to ramble on about the small things Craig did for him to make sure he was comfortable. 

At the end of his ramble, Wendy had moved to the beanbag they had and Tweek sat at her desk. He stopped mid sentence locking eyes with Wendy who gave him a confused expression. "I think I really like Craig." 

Wendy just blinked slowly at him and groaned, "It did not just take you 6 years, a few breakups, and 2 hours of talking about him for you to realize it this late." Tweek started gathering his things buttoning up his overcoat and heading downstairs. "Tweek? Tweek where are you going?" Wendy began following him. 

"Going to see Craig! I need- I need to apologize or talk or get him back," Tweek swung the front door open. "Or anything! He just needs to know-" Tweek began running out to the streets to Craig's house. 

Wendy just let him go. They rolled her eyes and closed the door. "Young love I suppose.." 

Tweek had arrived at Craig's ten minutes later. He banged on the door loudly and rung the doorbell a couple of times. He could hear the Tucker siblings screaming at each other from outside.





Tweek shuffled his weight between his feet as he waited. He heard footsteps approaching the door and it swung open. There stood, Craig Tucker in all his glory. The half Peruvian boy stood there wide eyed at the blond in front of him. His chullo was crooked ontop his head and his shirt was awfully wrinkled. 

Tweek breathed out a quick hi before Craig began shutting the door on him. The blond shoved his foot between the frame and the door causing Craig to grimace. "What do you want, Tweek." 

Tweek took a large breath before speaking quickly, "IcameheretosayI'msorry.Ididn'twanttobreakupwithyoubutIwasjustscaredthatyouwerenevergoingtoexperiencelifetothefullestbecauseofmeandIdidn'twanttoholdyoubackbutIjustcan'tletyougo.EvenifIbrokeupwithyou,you'relikeavirusinmythoughtsIcan'tstopthinkingaboutyouandit'shurtingmethatIbrokeupwithyoubecauseIreallydidn'twanttoI'msososososoososossorryCraig.IthinkI'minlovewithyouandifyouaren'tandI'mjustanidiotyoucanghostmeblockmeoranythingIjust-reallyneededtotellyou." 

Craig did a long blink at him. "What?" 

"I-I said that I'm sorry. That I.. didn't want to break up with you. I just-" 

"Just what. Lost feelings or something?" Craig gave him a cold stare. 

"What?? NO! I just- thought I was holding you back and I thought I was- doing you good for letting you go but- I can't. I can't stop thinking about you. and regretting what I did. I just l-" Tweek stopped himself before retracting himself. "Wait- wait wait wait. What do you mean lost feelings?? I- I thought we were faking our relationship-" He lowered his voice on his last sentence. 

Craig gave him a confused expression, "What? No- I thought we were dating? Ever since 6th grade? When I confessed??" Tweek looked at him with a wild expression. 

"What?! Confession? When??" 

Craig frowned, "I gave you a rose before your first theater play with a card saying "I Love You". Do you seriously not remember that?" Tweek gaped at him. 

"That was a confession?!?!" 

"Was the I love you part not- clear enough?" Craig looked confused. 

"No!! I thought- I thought you were just playing the good boyfriend part!!" Tweek groaned. 

"Oh." Craig awkwardly looked sideways. "Uh, so it wasn't real? Any.. of it?" He coughed out. 

Tweek shook his head. "No! It- was real- I just thought it wasn't real for you!" He moved his hands as he talked. 

"Well, um it was." Craig shoved his hands into his pockets. 

"Yeah." Tweek fiddled with his coat buttons. "God, we suck at communication. Don't we?" 

Craig laughed, "Yeah." He then looked at the blond. "Um." Tweek locked his eyes with his. Blue and Green meeting each other. 

"Would you want to restart. All of this? Like it'll be real this time, no miscommunication or nothing. Just- us two? dating?" Tweek blurted out. Craig nodded. 

"Just please talk to me this time, I don't want another break up caused by us being idiots." Tweek snorted and nodded. He leaned in to hug the raven head. Craig pulled him inside for them to hug easier. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2022 ⏰

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