soulmates with him?

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Tweek woke up on his 16th birthday hissing in pain. It felt like something burning was being pressed against his collar bone. His bandaged fingers touched his neck gently looking for the spot. His fingers glide over bumps. He doesn't remember doing anything to his collar bone. The blonde pushed his blanket off him and got up from bed. He opened his bedroom door and made his way to the bathroom. He locked the door and looked into the mirror. Blue eyes meeting blue eyes. Messy blonde hair and dark eyebags. Faint freckles spread on his nose. He forced a smile looking at his crooked stained teeth from coffee. He wasn't the most attractive person. He fixed his shirt which was falling off his shoulder. God was he a mess-

He stopped his train of thought noticing something black on his body. His mind got to work thinking of the worst possibilities. He moved closer to the mirror inspecting the spot. He blinked at the name written on his collar bone. Craig Tucker. His mouth fell open as he gaped at the name. He felt a scream erupting from his gut as he fell back. "Why him! Anyone but him!" He cried out and covered his face. Craig Tucker was the asshole of the school he didn't give a fuck about anyone or anything except his guinea pig. They used to be friends but was kicked out of the group when Thomas joined the boys in public school. That was 3 years ago they were in 9th grade now. The group hasn't really interacted with Tweek since. He didn't mind it's not like he fell apart with out them. He became friends with most of the girls, Kenny and the kid with the beanie named Douglas.

Back to the trembling boy on the floor. He panicked his mind raced with all the terrible things that have came with the marking on his skin. Craig's going to hate him. After a few more minutes of hugging his knees and silently screaming. He got up and checked the time. He had an hour to get ready until the bus arrived. He got out of the bathroom and got dressed. He looked through all his drawers finding no underwear. He groaned cursing the Underpants Gnomes out as he was forced to go commando. He put on his button up dark green shirt. Not buttoning it up correctly, did it matter to him? No.

Tweek then walked to the kitchen and served himself a cup of coffee. He made sure he used the one separated from his parent's. He stopped drinking the "Special Coffee Flavor" in middle school when he found out that the "sugar" wasn't really sugar. His addiction to coffee had lowered, he only drank fourteen cups a week. To him it was a huge improvement from what he drank as a child. He still twitches and lets out his tics from time to time but it's not as bad from when he was in fourth grade. He only does it when under pressure or deeply upset over something.

Tweek spat out the dark brown liquid at the time. He got too lost in the thought train that now he was going to miss the bus. He scrambled around the kitchen grabbing a thermos and filling it up with the leftover coffee from his mug. He picked up his bag from the couch and his house keys. He ran out the door, he'll grab a lunch at school if he's hungry. After a couple of minutes he came to a stop panting standing next to a boy in orange. The boy looked at him. "Mmph? Mmhphm mmphm?" (Dude are you okay?)

"I-I'm fine Ken-ny." Tweek said in between pants causing the boy to raise an eyebrow. He was about the question the blonde farther until a loud "HORSE COCK!" came from the other side of the bus stop sign. Tweek almost froze. If Thomas was here that meant his buddies were too and that meant.

Craig Tucker, stood next to the dirty blonde cursing boy with his best friends by his other side. Tolkien Black and Clyde Donovan. Kenny watched the messy blonde as he twitched nervously. The boy in orange snapped his fingers before pointing at Tweek. "Hmmpy mphhmp!" He smiled giving the boy a side hug. He pulled down his black face mask to speak properly. "So, babe, who's your soulmate?" Kenny pinched Tweek's cheek with a smirk. The lighter blonde shook his head violently.

"Not telling you, babe." Tweek let out a giggle and gave the boy a side huge back. Kenny let out a groan and tried to get an answer from the twitchy blonde. He felt eyes on him and he tried to shake the feeling off. The bus came to a stop in front of the boys. Kenny made the others let Tweek past first. "Birthday boy privileges." Kenny told Tweek sitting next to him. Tweek rolled his eyes and Kenny whined. "Please?"

"I'm not telling you, Ken." The bus ride was long with Kenny going on about something Karen did and Tweek commenting. Tweek almost clapped when the bus came to a final spot. Everyone stood up and piled out the door. Tweek hated crowds, he pushed his way through the group. He finally made it to his locker which was covered head to toe in birthday decorations. That's what he gets for being friends with the girls. He looked around before opening his locker slowly. It got shut quickly by a hand and he got hugged from behind.

"Happy birthday Tweekie!" Bebe squealed as she pressed herself against his back. Wendy was next to her, she smiled at the boy. "Happy birthday Tweek."

Tweek muttered a quick thank you to the two. He knew exactly why they were here for. To congratulate him, yes, but more to bug him about his soulmate. Bebe unwrapped her arms from him and smiled batting her fake eyelashes at him. "Sooo, who is it?" She seemed to examine his body looking for any letters. Wendy was also doing the same thing but she tried to make it less obvious.

Tweek paused before going to button the top button before they can see the letters. "I- Nghh- can't tell you. You'll make a big deal out of it." Bebe noticed him covering up his collarbone. She faked a sweet smile reaching for the collar of his shirt.

"Oh that's okay, sweetie. Let me fix your shirt okay?" Bebe fiddled around with the fabric. She took a quick peek at his collar bone only getting the letters "Tucker". She let out a gasp looking at Wendy. She leaned in whispering something in her ear causing the noirette to look at Tweek. "Oh wow- Uh We'll see you later, Tweek!" Wendy rushed off to class as the bell rang loudly. Bebe hugged him once more. "Oh by the way your birthday party is at my house at 5 pm sharp don't be late!" She followed Wendy screaming the words so he could hear.

Tweek stood in front of his locker confused. He shrugged it off trying to not let it get to him. He opened his locker and grabbed his books. Then off he went to class. The teacher took no notice in him muttering the words "Late, Mr.Tweak." Tweek could only let out one of his famous sayings. "Agh!" Before sitting. He sat in those awkward wooden desks that are attached to the chair. He took out his notebook and scribbled on the sides. He felt those same eyes on him from the bus stop. He looked around trying to find anyone looking at him. His blue eyes met green. He twitched feeling the pressure of Craig staring at him build up.

He rapidly tapped the end of his pen on the blank piece of paper. Craig didn't look away. The blonde had enough. He snapped his head towards the Noirette behind him. "Agh! What do you want, Craig!?" The questioned didn't respond right away, the two just continued to stare at each other's eyes.

Craig looked at him blankly before looking away. "Nothing." Tweek let his mouth stay open in disbelief. The nerve! He thought and turned around. He reached his hand to his collar bone and rubbed it. Craig noticed and watched him carefully. He was going to tell him a happy birthday today but well he chickened out quickly. He was pressured by Clyde into going to his birthday party so he'll say it there.

1433 words

Leaves it in a cliffhanger like a boss B)

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