I'm A Fool

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A/N hi lol i dont really care for this but remember that tweek x kenny chapter i made sooo yeah this is the alt universe where tweek kept pretending until well you see. It still classifies as creek since that is endgame so, also thanks to all the people reading it/ the notifications i came back so thank you ig? this is an updated draft btw this is def the last one so do not expect more 


"Will you marry me, Tweek Tweak?" 

I knelt on the floor, a perfect view of your face. The soft feeling of the box in my hand. I had bought an emerald ring. Something that I could never afford before but I worked hard and long for the ring. It shined and glittered beautifully when light hit it. It reminded me of your favorite color. You always told me it was green. 

It turns out it was blue. 

Have I ever mentioned that your eyes matched his? Your eyes are blue with glints of gold. They're beautiful. When you smile they light up and I could stare into them for eternity. If I had to choose you or all the money in the world. I'd choose you every time. You're out of this world something angelic, if the morning light hits your hair just right it seemed to appear as a halo on top of you. You're an angel sent from heaven and I'm... I'm Kenny McCormick. The poor kid, the immortal who's the mediator of hell and heaven. The kid with the dirt bag of a dad and asshole of friends.

How did I get you to say yes to me that day? I have no idea, absolutely none, because who goes from dating the hot shit Craig Tucker to Man-whore Kenny McCormick. I don't deserve you and never will. I know from all the dirty looks and judgmental stares I get from holding your hand. From kissing you. They've come up with that rumor, remember? How one day I separated you and Craig by sleeping with you. Which gave you no choice but to date me? 

Which never happened and you know this. 

I had flirted with you on job because who wouldn't with a cutie like you taking their order? It was a month after you and Craig had broken up, a month since I comforted you in the locker room through your break up. You had frantically glanced around before pointing to yourself. I nodded with a chuckle and you stammered flustered. I wondered if anyone other than Craig has flirted with you? 

You gave me your number and we hit it off from there. Were you pretending to be interested in me? Where did I go wrong? Was it me? I didn't mean to hurt you if I did. 

I wonder if you knew that I knew. I notice everything about you. you're such a bad liar too so it wasn't hard to figure it out. The side glances he gives you. The staring you give him. The way I'm always looking at you and you were...always looking at him. 

I don't know why I even tried. You're obviously still hung up on him and I can't change that. I don't...think anyone can. It's funny, how you get everything you finally wanted and it's all fake. Why did you say yes to our first date?

"Grrhh!! I- Kenny- I," 

I kept my nervous smile still on as I knelt. We were at graduation, was there always the millions of eyes on us? I could hear their thoughts already. You were glancing around and gripping the cloth on you. I feel bad, I should've done this privately just for us, so I wouldn't be so vulnerable in front of everyone but- 

"I do! Yes!"  You squealed at the ring, adjusting it on your ring finger before pulling me into a sweet kiss. Everyone cheered. I felt happy, a beautiful man in my arms and nothing more. We would start off slow and slowly get used to our lives together-

"I-I can't.. I'm sorry.."

I let out a wet laugh, tears were stinging my eyes. How awful of me to think you were really in love with me. I shut the box and stayed knelt. I refused to look at you. I faced the ceiling squeezing my eyes shut. I mumbled so softly, "Are.. we over?" I could barely recognize my own voice. 

"...yes, I'm sorry Kenny I really am- I never.. I never meant for this to be this long.." 

Everyone left one by one, you were the first. I saw Craig. He wrapped his arms around your waist and led you somewhere. You two really are the perfect match for each other. I couldn't bring myself to cry until everyone had left. Kyle stayed, he wanted to make sure I was alright. I cried in his arms. I was a fool, everyone saw it but me. I denied it. I-
I was selfish to keep you with me. I knew I never deserved you from the start. How much of a fool you made me. 

I'm sorry Tweek for keeping you for so long away from your soulmate. You two were really made for each other. 

As I walked through the rain, a loud swerve was heard. I saw a bright flash and I let out a sigh. "Here we go again."

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