Ace in Exile

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Unknown Location.

Razgriz lowered her arms. and she found herself in the skies above an unknown location.

Razgriz*Thought*: Aren't I supposed to be dead? The Carcass of that raven did rammed at me in high speeds. Any way I might try to contact someone.

Razgriz then used her radio communicator.

Razgriz: This is Strider 1 captain of Strident team, Does anyone copy. Over. I repeat this is Captain Razgriz Foulke does anyone copy. Over. Long Caster? Anyone?!

There was nothing but static on the other line.

Razgriz: Damn it. Might as well release an Mayday signal.
Mayday, this is Strider 1, I am flying in unknown airspace, and I am running on fumes. Over.

Then Suddenly Razgriz heard something akin to a scream, she looked down and saw something, that looked akin to the P-1113 Kotos during the Emmeria-Estovakia war in 2014, a half Decade while she was still in the Osean Air-Force academy for her Witch training, as well as how to Pilot a jet if there no Strikers available.

The thing had a a Black and red Hexagon shaped panels pattern to it. Then one of it's panels lit up and beam of super heated laser was shot at Razgriz, who took a dive to dodge the attack.

Razgriz: Mayday, Mayday, This is Stider 1, requesting immediate support, I have encountered and Unidentified Flying Object, that shared some similarities to the P-1113 Kotos frontally and the tail section, and it has a black and red Hexagonal pattern, Requesting Immediate Backup! Over!   

Razgriz then dodged another attack from the Kotos lookalike, and Loaded her Rifle, and started her Attack run on the UFO.

Elsewhere on the ocean down below.

Major Mio Sakamoto, was at the side of the Amagi, contemplating on her decision of recruiting Doctor Ichiro Miyafuji, Yoshika Miyafuji. When she looked at the Girls file regarding her performance, she was fairly average, and the only thing that she excelled at was cooking, of all thing. Although her mother and grandmother did ran a hospital, which means that Yoshika did have some Medical training, which would be very useful. The girl has a lot of potential, she also believed that Yoshika might get along with the other members of 501st.

Keisuke: Major Sakamoto, We have received an unknown distress Transmission.I think you might want to check it out.

Came her right hand man

Mio: Alright.

Then Mio along with Keisuke went to the Akagi's radio, but before they could get there, Yoshika came to Mio, curios at what was going.

Yoshika: Major is there a problem?

Mio: Thanks for you concern Miyafuji, but...

Before Mio could finish, a Laser beam shot into the water next to the Akagi narrowly missing it.

Yoshika: A Nuroi?!

Mio: Miyafuji get inside the ship now!

Yoshika: But I want to help.

Mio: Yoshika, it's to dangerous to be out here!

Yoshika: You were the one that made me the offer to join! So I'm going to hold my end of the deal!

Mio saw that there's no way of convincing Yoshika.

Mio: Fine, go and help the Medical staff, and help them patch up any wounded personnel.

Yoshika: Alright.

Then Yoshika went inside the Ship to help the medical staff, While Sakamoto went and equipped her A6M Striker, leading a squadron of A5M4.

A5M pilot: Major Sakomoto we've got you back!

Mio: Roger!

 As they Got off the flight deck and got to the Altitude to face the Neuroi. Though Despite their Valiant attempt the A5Ms pilot were Quickly shot down by the Neuroi.

Mio: Damn...

Before she Could finish her Sentence Mio saw some contrails  twisting and heard gunshots.
Was there a witch? Here, in the middle of the ocean? And her Striker didn't look like any striker she'd seen and didn't look like any striker she'd seen before, is it possible that it is related to the rumored jet Striker that Karlsland is Developing? And what was with the three scratch Markings on the tail? Do they signify rank or the Witch's combat skills? And as for the Witch herself she had red hair pulled in a ponytail, and a Headband tied in a Ribbon.  

Then she saw the witch taking a Vertical dive at the Neuroi then as the the Neuroi was about to fire the Laser the Witch took a Really High G turn to pull out of the Dive.

Mio: who is she?

Unknown Witch: Hey You if you'r done gawking at. I could Use some Help over here!

Mio: Who are you?!

Unknown Witch: If you help me take down this thing I might as well tell you who the hell I am!

Mio: Fine.

Then Mio Charged at the  Neuroi Giving the Unknown Witch some time to breath.

With Razgriz

Alright I some must have gotten my Transmission. But there is one problem whey are they wing Propeller Driven Aircraft and Striker? Just where in hell am I?

Razgriz*Thought*: Mom, dad If can hear me, I think I might have gotten myself in new type of trouble.

Razgriz then Loaded her Machine Gun, and launched a Hail of Heavy Caliber bullets at Super sonic Speeds courtesy of her Ballistic Stabilization.


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