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Our night classes are for specialized combat. The first class mainly focuses on when to attack, the proper starting positions, how to properly throw a punch, other things that go into the strategy of fighting.

After our first full day of training, Cate pulls us aside to speak with us.

"Vida, your hair!" Cate exclaims, shocked at the sight of her bright blue locks.

Vida smiles and nods. "It looks great. Anyway, how is training going? Are you two okay?" Cate asks, caring about how we're holding up.

"It's going well. I'm happy that we're going to be making a difference," I tell her. She smiles and nods, her goal.

"Yeah. Now that we're training I can't wait to get out there and do the real thing. Help get that asshole out of the White House," Vida adds, rolling her eyes.

"Yes. Well, I'm happy that you two are happy. I'm going to be on an Op for a couple days and won't be here. I just wanted to let you girls know. Be good while I'm gone," Cate says putting a hand on each of our shoulders.

I hug Cate first, she puts her arms around me. "Be safe. Come back," I say into her shoulder, relishing in the warmth her embrace gives me, something my mother lost when she started drinking.

"I will don't worry. I wouldn't leave you," Cate assures, rubbing my back.

I release Cate and it's Vida's turn to hug our mentor. She really loves Cate.

After Vida releases Cate, she opens the door. "Later gator," I say, it's something my dad used to say to me when I left for school.

"In an hour, sunflower," Cate adds. I smile back at her. This really feels like home.

The next day training is at the same time with the same group.

"Separate into the groups you were in yesterday. We're gonna keep working!" Instructor Johnson says.

I walk over to my corner and this time instructor Benson joins me.

"Alright, Jia. I saw a bit of what you could do yesterday. But we're gonna focus on... well, focus. Staying focused to produce your very useful power. Take a deep breath," he instructs.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath and breath out, thinking about the fire inside, how it wants to come out.

But it feels... hot. "Jia!" The instructor exclaims. I open my eyes to see fire coming out of my mouth.

With my eyes wide, I shut my mouth, slapping a hand over it.

I look over and see every kid on the other side of the room looking at me, alarmed.

"I'm sorry- I didn't know-" I ramble, embarrassed and ashamed.

"You don't need to be sorry, Jia. You are powerful. Your power is strong and that will prove useful. Now do that again. But control it. The key to utilizing your power is controlling it," Benson tells me, giving me confidence in my power.

This is the first time in my life I've been empowered, given something that protects me, makes me more powerful than others. I can shy away, trying to please others, or I can be like Vida, confident and proud of my power.

The Darkest Minds - "I'm a red,"Where stories live. Discover now