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I don't know how long I've been in this blue tribe, a year? The days blur together when all you do is fight and entertain a coward.

Tonight is no different. I know I'm in for a fight when Knox feeds me a good meal to give me more energy

So when the two kids clad in their best white come to get me, I know it's time.

"Give me your hands," the girl commands, looking terrified. I put my hands forward, letting the two bind them.

They pull me up out of the basement, the entire warehouse is empty, meaning all of the kids are at the fight. I can tell as much from the cheers.

The kids walk me outside, waiting for Knox's signal to bring me out, the big reveal.

"Bring her out!" Knox yells over the voices of the other kids. They cheer louder at that statement.

We make our way toward the broken down building, I let the two kids guide me, making it seem as though they are more powerful than me.

The crowd parts to let us through and I get a good look at the two girls inside the ring.

One has electric blue hair. Her face initially holds anger but as soon as she sees me, my eyes, my face, her expression softens. "Jia...?" She whispers. Her eyes seem to begin tearing up.

I don't react, nor question it, I'm not supposed to. The other girl has brown hair, she seems a bit scrawny.

The two kids guiding me stop, giving the girls a chance to realize who they're fighting and Knox a chance to say something.

The blue-haired girl still looks shocked, staring at my face. "What the actual fuck?" She states, saying something in a whisper to her fighting partner.

"Ladies may I introduce you to our pretty little resident Red. Picked her up in Nashville after killing the PSF holding her leash. She's an obedient thing, does whatever I ask, no matter what. Including, attack," Knox smiles at the girls' expression. He waves his hand and the kids unchain me, releasing my hands from their bondage.

"I think you girls are gonna get along real damn nice," Knox calls. Once I'm completely free, the two kids bolt, leaving me to walk through the flaming ring of cans.

A ripple goes through the glowing circle, dimming for an instant, then glaring up to a blinding white.

"Those ass-sucking mofo's. They turned Jia into this! Ruby, it had to be really bad," the blue-haired girl says while I prepare myself, letting the fire from my core spill out into the rest of my body, causing my left arm to give a sharp jerk.

Knox whistles behind me and my brain goes into attack mode.

Using my mind I shoot the fire from the trash cans between the two girls, separating them. With the precision drilled into me, I catch the brown-haired one on the pant leg.

She crashes into a flaming can, giving me the opportunity to guide the fire over the side and along the ground toward her. She rolls away from that one.

Lifting my hand in front of me, I snap, a burst of flame appearing between my curved fingers. I lob the flame towards the brown-haired girl like a ball.

The Darkest Minds - "I'm a red,"Where stories live. Discover now