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Once it's finally light outside and things are settled down, our small group is scattered around the campsite, each of us in a pair of two.

Chubs is sitting with Ruby on a stump close to the fire, Liam is talking with Jude, the only member of the Children's league he likes, and Vida and I are off in our own corner, talking and sitting together.

But now that we're settled and the whole adrenaline of the past few days have worn off, I'm having a hard time adjusting. I get nervous and frightened any time I show any emotion, what the trainers drilled into me still partly in my mind.

As Vida plays with the chatter, anxious to reply to the ten Status Report messages, I look over at Ruby and Chubs who have been continuously whispering to each other. They have a really good connection but whatever they're talking about seems to be a sensitive subject.

"Do you think Ruby is going to leave with them? Go find their other friend and head off on their own?" I ask Vida, looking at her as she shifts uncomfortably. I feel so bad about the burn on her back.

Vida looks up and over at the two, her lips pursed in thought. "I don't know. I mean I know she's got a connection with them and all and would just love to get away from the league but I don't know if she'll really do it. She does want to help the camps. It makes no difference to me, it's either four or three of us. She decides that,"

Vida says it doesn't matter to her but I know she'd be hurt if Ruby abandoned the group. Another person in her life leaving. I hope Ruby stays. She seems like a good person.

Chubs is pushing to have us moving out from this camp as soon as possible even though we don't have any maps or ways to navigate. I'm pretty positive it's because nobody can withstand the cold anymore. Well, except for me.

Vida is at her breaking point. If she hears another lecture about hypothermia I think she might just push the boy into the fire. He tried it once with me before I reminded him that I can't get hypothermia.

Ruby has avoided Liam our entire day, giving him his space. Vida and I have also done the same to an extent but we've been a bit more subtle about it.

While Jude and Liam debate between songs, I sit beside Vida, who's huddled inside her jacket.

Softy, I stoke the fire with my power, making sure it stays at a good size to keep everyone warm but not be too unbearable.

The Moody boy himself has relaxed enough to finally crack a smile a Chubs trips and falls to the ground with a squawk, sending our rations flying.

Vida laughs freely, being rewarded a glare by the man himself.

Once Chubs gathers himself, he begins handing out the rations. Jude couldn't take the hunger pains anymore.

"I was beginning to wonder what happened to this stuff," Ruby comments as she helps Chubs with the food.

"We had to leave most of it behind, it was mostly what we could stuff in our pockets. It's been enough—okay, who wants what?" The boy asks, looking around the small fire.

"I'll take one of the Chinese Fig bars if you see one," Jude says, his meal of choice.

"The French trail mix, silver package," Vida requests, catching the flying package.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2022 ⏰

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