Chapter 5

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Brooks P.O.V
Once we got into the plane we took our seats. We were in first class, I need to ask what he Simon does, to have the money to buy these type of things. The big car, the first class seats and the generous tip for the movers.
"Um Brook" Simon said
"Ya" I asked giving him a questionable look.
"I just want to tell you what I do" he said
"What do you mean". I asked
"My job" he said
"Oh ya I was meaning to ask you about that" I said taking a sip of my water the flight attended gave us.
"Do you know the band One Direction". He asked
"Yes! I love them" I said.
He chuckled slightly. " Well you might be happy to hear this". he said while smiling

Simons P.O.V
"I'm the one working for them,I signed them there contract". I said
"W-what" Brook said
She looked mad. Why would she be mad, she said she loved them. I thought
"Yes and I told them that you were coming. They said they couldn't wait to meet you." I said
"T-that's why you left us, for one direction. Isn't it". She said mad and confused
I did not think she would react this way.
"Brook" I said not knowing what else to say.
"You left your family for a band". she said.
It didn't look like she was mad anymore she looked hurt. It killed me to see her like this. I thought she would be happy. I even saw her tickets for one of there concerts.
I didn't know what to say to her because she was right. I just stared at her.
She finally saw that I didn't know what to say.
"You know the fact that my favorite band became famous was because you left our family." She huffed
"Brook it's not like that". I managed to think of something to say.
"Oh really than what is it." She said
"I'm sure once you see them you'll be happy." I regretted saying
"Doubt it". she said
"Brook please just understand what I'm trying to say." I said sadly
"Ya I understand everything now you left us for one direction, it makes perfect sense". she whispered looking out the window
After a minute of silence. I put my hand on her thigh to try to comfort her.
"Just forget it". she said
"Brook I'm really sorry but do you understand that what I do is very important". I questioned
"Stop asking if I understand because it just makes everything worse". she said
"Do you still like them". I asked
"Yes but I'm not going to be happy seeing them knowing there the reason you left". she said still looking out the window
"Brook there not the reason I left". I said
She turned to look at me. She looked me right in the eyes.
"Than what is". she said
"I want the truth". she said
"Can we talk about this later it's 12:30 am and I think we should rest". I said
"Fine but you better tell me later". she said
"Oh and one more thing" I said scared to see her reaction
"What" she asked
"There might be some paparazzi when we leave the air port". They know that your coming". I said
"Do they know why I'm coming"?she asked
"No they kept asking but it's none of their business". I said
"Okay good". she said

Brooks P.O.V

"Brook wake up" someone said poking me shoulder.
All I did was moan and shrug
"Come on we're here were landing now". Simon said
I slowly opened my eyes and look out the window my head was leaning on.
The plane finally landed. Simon and I got our things and walked down the stairs of the plane. Simon was right there was a lot of paparazzi. There was even two large body guards leading Simon and I.
"Move out of the way". One of the body guards said.
"Simon who is this" the paparazzi said
"Simon, Simon , Simon". So many paparazzi people saying
Simon didn't answer any of them he just kept walking behind me.
Once we left the airport we got in his car with our belongings.
"Sorry about them" he said meaning the paparazzi.
"It's okay, does this happen a lot". I asked
"Yes, but I will make sure you get all the privacy you need". he said seriously
"Thanks" I said
"Are you hungry, it's 2pm right now".
"Y-" my stomach interrupted by growling
"I'll take that as a yes" he said laughing lightly
"What do you want to eat" he asked
"Wendy's?" I said smiling
"Do you love Wendy's or something". he said laughing
"Ya I love there frosty's" I said smiling
"So do I" he said returning my smile
"We'll eat there than go our house?"he asked
Hearing him say our house made everything sound so different. Until I realized this is going to be my life now it's all different.
"Sorry" Simon mumbled noticing my reaction
"It's okay,sorry it just sounded-"
"I know Brook it's okay I shouldn't of said that". he said
All I did was smile and put my head down.
After 10 minutes we both finished our food. Now it was time to go to the house.
It took about 5 minutes to get to the house. Once we went up the drive way I was shocked.
"This is huge!" I said
Simon chuckled "we'll I hope you like it". he said while we were walking to the door.
Once he opened the door it was even bigger on the inside. The were a large stair case on the right side than there was a hallway going right under the stair case to the right. Than in the middle was the living room. Than there was another hallway leading to the kitchen.
"Do you like it"? Simon asked
"I love it". I said
"Wait till you see your room". he said
Simon took me upstairs to where my bedroom was.
There were two walls teal,than two walls gray it's was so pretty! I even had my own bathroom, a king sized bed, a vanity-
"Looks like you like it" he said laughing
"This is so nice you didn't have to do all this". I said
"I didn't have to but I wanted to". he said
I gave a small smile still looking around my room.
"I have something to show you" Simon said
I gave him a confused look.

Note: Hey guys! Sorry haven't updated in so long I've been so busy! I hope you like this chapter! I will most likely updated twice a week.

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