Chapter 1

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Brooks P.O.V

3 years ago (Brooke's birthday)
"You did not!!!! I can't believe you got me One direction tickets!!! I love you guys so much!" I told my parents excitedly.
"We only got you three tickets so don't be inviting all of your friends only two". My parents told me.

"Okay thank you thank you thank youuuuuu!!!!" I stated. I can't believe I got One Direction tickets this couldn't be a better birthday I thought.

"Okay we're glad you like your present but your father and I have to run to the store. We should be home in an hour". My mother said.
I gave them another hug and thanked them for the thousand time before they left.
I called my two friends Ariana and Nicole asking them if they wanted to come to the One direction concert. I decided to call Ariana first.

"Hello"? Ariana answered
"What?!" she asked confused but excited about my excitement.
"OMG NO WAY"! Ariana said
"Do you wanna come!" I asked
"ME NEITHER!" "I texted you the information I'm gonna go call Nicole to come too"! I said

The same conversation happened with Nicole, she got just as excited as Ariana. I'm so happy I get to go see my favorite band with my two best friends! Life couldn't get better.

Present time(Brooke's birthday)

My cellphone rang. It was a blocked number.I decided to pick it up.

"Hello"? I said
"Hello is this Brook William's"?
"Um yes who is this"? I asked
"We have some bad news. A police car will come pick you up in about 5 minutes".
"What why?! is everything okay"? I asked worried.
Just as the person hung up.

Was this a joke? Maybe a surprise party? So many thoughts going through my head just as kept that one thought of the surprise party. Or did something actually happen? I guess I'll find out in 5 minutes. I decided to call my parents to let them know but they didn't answer.
5 minutes went by and the police car was waiting outside for me. I walked to the police car still so many thoughts going through my head. Did I do something wrong, is everyone okay, is this joke or is this all a dream.
Once I sat in the back seat of the police car I immediately asked a bunch of questions. All the police officer said was it's not his place to tell me and by the look on his face something bad must have happen.
The moment I walked into the police station I saw someone very familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

Authors note: Omgggggg I hope you guys like this chapter I know I know it was a little confusing. But it will all make sense soon I promise.

Just for the heads up I wrote this so long ago so please keep reading I didnt realize what I was doing when I wrote these 2 next chapters. Ill fix them soon

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