Chapter 6

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Simon took me to the other part of my room where there was an indent. There was a black couch two black dressers and a book shelf on the wall.
"What are you showing me"? I asked
Simon walked over to the book shelf.
"This book shelf leads to another room, all you have to do is push it than it will turn a little". He said while pushing it open.
"Oh my god, this is so cool" I said while going into the room.
It was a room full of clothes! With a dresser right in the middle and clothes on the side. There was even a chandelier above the dresser!
"Oh my god Simon now you really didn't need do this". I said
"Actually I didn't" he said
I gave him a confused look
"We'll I don't if this will make things any different but One Direction asked people to do this while we were gone. They just knocked down the wall to the other room and made this your closet". he said
"Oh" was all I said
"Ya, we'll I'll leave you alone for a little to unpack your things." he said awkwardly as he turned around and left.
As I walked more into the room and look around at these clothes, they were all so nice! I didn't really have a lot of clothes in America, I would usually where things twice every two or three weeks. I didn't really ask for much but right now I feel spoiled I don't deserve all of this. I mean I know my parents passed away but if they didn't pass away, I wouldn't even been talking to Simon and now he's buying me things.
One minute I'm talking back to him than were both laughing now it's just awkward. Simon walked back in by knocking on the open book shelf as I turned around.
"Since it's like only 3:45 I was wondering if you know um if you didn't mind if One Direction came over to meet you". he said
"Ya sure" I said
"Okay great, I'll call them over". he said
"Okay" I said as he walked out
I couldn't help but smile and laugh. I wanted to cry and scream saying I'm meeting One Direction. Than I remembered they became famous because of my uncle a bunch of anger came over me. All I did was frown.
"I finally get to meet One direction and I'm not going to be happy to see them". I said to myself
Once I went into my suitcase I grabbed bagging sweat pants and a black long sleeve shirt. I went to my bathroom in my room to straighten my hair. After 15 minutes of doing my hair I heard the doorbell ring. I made sure that not one peace of my hair wasn't straightened. My hair was pretty long it ended by my side of my stomach.
"Brook!" I heard Simon yell down for me.
I had butterflies in my stomach. How should I act? Happy, upset, don't look a them. I decided to act like I didn't know them hopefully Simon doesn't say how much I loved them.
I walked down the stairs, as I heard Simon in the kitchen. Oh my god I'm nervous!
"There you are!" Simon said
"Hi" I said looking at him and not wanting to look at them.
"We'll this is One Direction" Simon pointed to the 4 British boys and 1 Irish boy sitting on the couch, all looking at me.
I turned to them and smiled. All I wanted to do was cry of joy and jump in there arms but I knew I couldn't do that.
"Hey" I said with a small smile
"We'll hello I'm Niall"said the blond head while standing up to give me hug
"I'm a Harry" said the boy with long curls.
"And this is Liam, Louis, and Zayn" Harry said as they all got up to give me a group hug
Wow they like hugs. I said to myself
"Okay, okay let the girl breath" Simon said
We all laughed a little
"So Brook how do you like London so far". Harry asked
"It's nice I haven't really looked around yet". I said normally
"That's cool maybe tomorrow the guys and I can show you around". he said as they all nodded there head
"Um yeah sure" I said
"Do you like your closet" Niall asked as we all took a seat in the living room.
"Oh my god yes I love it thank you guys you didn't have to do that". I said
"It was our pleasure" Liam said
"Can you guys move over I'm squashed". Zayn said
"Why did we all sit on the same couch". Louis said
"This is like our interviews" Harry said getting up.
"Do you mind if I sit here?"Harry asked
"No" I said shyly
"So Brook do you want to go look around tomorrow or were you just saying that to be nice". Niall said smiling
"No I do" I said smiling back
"Okay good" he said
"We can go around 12:30?" Harry ask
"Ya" I said
After 1 minute of silence I decided to brake it.
"Do you guys want anything to eat or drink?" I asked
"Ya can I get a glass of water?" Niall asked
"Same here" Zayn said
"Ya sure I'll be right back". I said
They all nodded.
Brook why do you have to be so awkward I said to myself.
I walked into the kitchen to get 2 glasses of water.

Harry P.O.V

"What do you guys think of her" Zayn asked
"She's nice and shy I would've thought she would've been a lot happier to see us, Simon said she loved us" Liam said
"We'll we shouldn't make things awkward for her, she the only people she knows here besides Simon". I said
They all nodded
Brook came back in with the 2 glasses of water.
"Here you go" she said giving Niall and Zayn there water than walking back over to the couch we were sitting on. I gave her a smile.
Niall looked at me with serous look I gave him a confused. He gave me a look saying we'll talk later.I didn't really get why he was giving me a look.
After about 10 minutes of talking we decided it was time to go and that we would see each other tomorrow at 12:30.
"Last one in the car has to sit in the trunk!" Niall screamed as they all ran into the car.
I stood at the door with Brook while she was looking at her feet.
"We only brought one car, so it looks like I'm in trunk". I said smiling
"Have fun with that" she said returning my smile
"So, see you at 12:30" I asked still smiling
"Ya" she answered
"Okay bye Brook I said walking out the door.
"Bye. And thank you guys again for the closet!" She screamed to the car with my best friends inside.
"No problem!" Niall said as he stuck his head out the window.
Once I walked into the trunk everyone turned around to look at me.
"You never want the trunk" Louis said
"We'll I was the last one to the car" I said
"So you could say bye to brookkkkkkk". Louis said.
"We'll I was being nice" I said smiling
"hmmmmmh" they all said
"What" I said
"Nothing" they said
"Can we get food I'm starving" Liam said
"Can we get Wendy's!" I said
"What's with you and Wendy's" Liam said
"I don't know it's just so good". I said
"Okay let's go there" Niall said

Note: Hey guys I hope you like this chapter! Btw I don't even know if there's a Wendy's in London lol. But there's a Wendy's in this book.

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