Chapter 13

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Harrys P.O.V

Brooke and I decided to go home to change for our dinner date. I wanted to take her somewhere fancy just the two of us. As I was on my way to my flat I saw Rodger with another guy. Brooke and Rodger hung out a few times but Brooke says hes nice but he can be annoying. I dont blame her, the first time I met him I wanted to go up to him and punch him in the face. I swear if Rodger ever did anything to Brooke he would be a dead man. I was thinking about saying hi but I just past by because I knew he would start a long conversation.
I finally made it to my flat. Once I walked in I saw Niall.
''Hey Niall'' I said throwing my keys on the table.
''Whats up?'' Niall said
''Im about to go to dinner with Brooke, I'll be right back I have to change.'' I said
''Okay'' Niall said as I was walking to my room
I came back in the living room wearing black jeans with a brownish shirt that showed my tattoos on my chest.
''You know Brooke and I havent hung out in awhile since you two began dating'' Niall said.
''I know I'm sorry I have to visit my mum tommorrow so you too have the whole day'' I said
''Okay good' Niall said
''Alright I have to go I'll see you later?'' I asked
"Yup bye have fun" Niall said as I grabbed my keys from the table.
Once I got to Brookes house I walked to the door. I rang the door bell to see Brooke opening the door the next second. She had the biggest smile on her face and seeing that made my world. She was perfect and to call her mine was perfect.
"You look beautiful'' I said
"Thank you'' she said still smiling, which made me smile
''Harry'' I heard Simon say
''Come in'' Brooke said
''Harry can I talked to you?" Simon asked
''Ya'' I said as he walked down the hallway going into the kitchen.
''Is evrything okay'' Brooke asked now frowning
"I'm sure everythings fine'' I said giving her a peak on the lips than walking to the kitchen
''Is everything okay" I asked Simon
"Yes but tommorrow I'm going on a business trip in California for 2 days and I know this may seem foolish but can Brooke stay with you and Niall I don't want her here without me when I'm so far away with the paparazzi and everything stalking the house" he said
"Yes of course!'' I said
"Okay great" he said
"I'm visiting my mum tommorrow so she'll be with Niall but ill be here the next day" I said
"Okay thanks Harry"Simon said
"No problem'' I said turning on my heel to go back to Brooke
"Oh and Harry" Simon said as I turned around
"Nothing stupid" he said
"No need to worry" I said smiling turning back around
I went to the living room to see the most beautiful girl in the world sitting on the couch. The littlest things can make me so happy to have her in my life.
"Ready?" I asked Brooke
"Ya lets go" she said giving me tell me what you guys said face.
"Ill explain everything in the car" I said
Once we got in the car Brooke gave me a curious expression.
"Simon is going on a business trip for two days in California so he asked if you could stay with me and Niall". I said
"Oh okay so I'm staying with you guys those two days?" Brooke asked
"Yes, but I have to go visit my mum tomorrow so it will be you and Niall." I said
"Okay, around 2:30 Rodger and I are going to the cofffee shop downtown to finsh our project" she said
"Okay, I want you to keep in touch with Niall and I" I said
"What am I five." she said
"No, but we want you to be safe." I said
"Okay dad." she said smling
"Hey I'm the bestest dad you could have" I said smiling but than saw Brooke frown.
"Brooke why did you move here?" I asked
"I um told you already" she said
"I know you were lieing" I said
"No I wasnt." she said
"Okay" I said still knowing she was lying but not wanting to push it.
"So where are we going" she asked obivosly trying to make a conversaion.
"Armani" I said
"Are you serious! Do you know how expansive that is!" she said acting like it was the end of the world
"It's not that bad" I said
"Ya okay" she said smiling

Brooke's P.O.V

The next morning
"Brooke I'm about to leave, Niall is on is way" Simon said from the kitchen while I was watching tv in the living room.
"Okay" I said
Simon walked in the living room giving me hug than leaving. A few minutes later I heard the door bell ring.
"Hey Niall" I said.
"Hey I havent seen you in so long" He said.
"I know for real" I said smiling.
"So what do you want to do today" Niall said plopping on the couch.
"Whatever I don't care but around 2:30 I have to go the cofffee place downtown to finish a project with Rodger" I said
"Okay good cause I have to go an interview around that time to" He said
"Are all of you going?" I asked meaning the rest of One Direction.
"Just me and Zayn, Interviewers separate us sometmes" he said.
"Oh okay" I said
"So are you ready, We'll drop your bag at our flat than well get something to eat?" Niall asked
"Sure" I said grabbing my bag that was next to the couch.
An hour went by of lunch. It was 2:20. I texted Rodger saying I will be at the coffee shop in 5 minutes.
Niall and I payed for our lunch than walked out. Niall drove me to the coffee shop and we got here perfect timing.
"Ill see you later?" I questioned Niall
"Ya I can pick you up at 4?" He asked
"Sure see you than" I said
"Bye text me if you need anything" Niall said while I was getting out his car.
"Okay bye Niall" I said closing the door.
Once I walked in I saw Rodger sitting by the window in a booth.
"Hey Rodger" I said taking a seat in front of him.
"Hey Brooke" Rodger said
"So what do we have to do?" I asked
An hour later went by of doing our proect. It was now 3:30 and I had to wait for Niall to pick me up at 4.
"Brooke are you sure you don't want a ride?" Rodger asked
"Ya it's fine I have to wait for Niall anyway" I said
"What time is he coming?" He asked
"4" I answered
"Than do you want to do something for the last 30 minutes" He asked
"Really Rodger it's okay" I said
"No I want to" He said
"What do you want to do?" He asked
"Do you just want to go on a walk since I have to meet Niall here?" I asked
"Sure" He said
A few minutes of walking in silence Rodger decided to brake it.
"Brooke" Rodger said
"ya" I said looking at him
"How are you and Harry" he asked looking down at his feet
"Were really good" I said
"Oh thats to bad" he said now looking at me with a creepy smile
"What?" I questioned
"I hope you and Harry had fun while it lasted" he said
"Rodger what are you talking about" I said
"You thought I was this annoying person who was always trying to be nice but all I was doing was setting you up" he said still smiling creepy
Once I tried to run he grabbed me by my waist and starting to kiss my neck and touching me.
"STOP!" I screamed
"Your mine now" He wispered in my ear
I was starting to feel light headed and drowzy.
"Stop-p" I said not amable to speak much.
"You can go for now but be aware im always watching" he said walking away
Everything was starting to spin. I had to find my way back to the coffee place. I tried walking across the street. Last thing I knew I felt a sharp pain on my side and fell. Everything went black.

Note: Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter. Sorry it's short! I should have new chapter up by Sunday or Monday. Hope you all had a good Christmas <3

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